Friday, August 2, 2024

Retrospective on Slavery in the Americas.

The Transatlantic Slave Trade not only shaped North American but South America as well. It was the European expansion of what was considered by them to be the New World that fueled the necessity for cheap inexhaustible labor. Europeans (In particular the Spanish and Portuguese) were not unfamiliar with the Slave trade industry. They were well aware of the enslavement of African by Arabs and knew that in order to get the man power required to build a nation they would need to somehow enter the slave trade industry created by the Arabs. 

Once the Spain and Portuguese acquired African slaves for the expansion of South and Central America it was only a matter time that the British and French joined the slave trade movement. The Dutch and Belgians colonized and enslaved Africans in their home land. The French did this as well. 

For the White North Americans slavery became such a lucrative industry in the southern states of America that the southern states formed a Confederacy. The unequal division of wealth caused the country to split causing the civil war. In an attempt to unify the nation and end the war President Lincoln abolished slavery and freed the African slaves. Many people see this as a move of morality but it was in fact a move of economics and national security. 

By then many industries had been founded and were running quite successfully be way of forced slave labor. This was obviously advantageous for the White powers that be in America. However for the African words can not adequately describe what they endured. Most people associate slavery with physical bondage. However this was not the case with Africans. For example the Biblical bondage of the Israelites by the Egyptians may have been a physical bondage however the Israelites retained their traditions, their heritage and their identity. After they were freed by the Pharaoh their next logically course of action was to depart the land of their oppressors and seek their own land. 

This can not be said about the African. Systematic he was broken to the point of being no more than a domesticated animal. Horses that don't know that they are suppose to roam and run free will cling to a master and come to depend on their master for their very survival. This is because these horses don't they are horses nor do they know the ways of horses. Therefore these creatures have no identity other than that to serve a master. 

The is what the African Slave went through. In fact it suffices to say the that progeny of these African Slaves know about as much about themselves as the man in the moon. Africans in American lost their identity long ago. Because of this the African doesn't know his native tongue nor does he know where to begin to learn it. Everything that he sees that is associated with his homeland is negative an foreign. The religion of his ancestors is considered evil to him. His traditions and customs are backward and inferior. Even his physical appearance is not pleasing to his sight. 

Therefore the lost children of Africa reject their blackness and make every effort to become equal to or to become White. At one time Black men and Black women straightened their hair to look White. This still happens with Black women even through she won't admit that straightening and processing her hair has it roots in looking White. Black men and Black women practiced color-ism. Black men of a certain generation would actively seek mixed raced or fair skinned black women to marry and have children with until the Black man could openly take a White women as has bride. This was in a since the ultimate statement of arrival in succeeding to transcend blackness and to be on equal status with the White man in his world. 

These things may go under a different name or have different reasoning today but the ideology was still born out of self hatred by Black people. Black people still have chains on their brains. Meaning we are still trying desperately to measure up the White standard instead of creating our own standard. Many of us are convinced that a multicultural desegregated society is the best possible way of life despite the fact that what is really happening is there are multiple races and cultures being ruled and governed ultimately by the White way of life. 

Disgruntled White people about the success of Black people within the society they built for themselves need look no further than White the powers that be for fault. It is for their purposes that things are the way they are. America needs minorities not just for cheap labor but for justifiable over-taxation of it's citizens. For example; Their is no greater fear for a White then for a Black gang member to invaded his home and violate his women. Or for him too find out his pure White daughter has been deflowered and impregnated by a Black man in the image of Lil Jon or DMX or any of the rap artist that exude Hip Hop culture. Via the media these images are place in heads of White people daily. Therefore they appeal to politicians for more law enforcement and harsher penalties. This ultimately means more taxes. Since there is no itemization or a way to account for how our tax money is spent the end result of over-taxation. So as we see the average White middle class citizen is also a victim of White Supremacy. 

So just briefly we see how slavery rooted in economic oppression has and is still evolving into new ways that the White Supremacist powers the be are bleeding not just Black people and other Minorities but middle class White people dry with a false reality that is essentially eternal servitude.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Negros Evil patterns.

Negros are highly wicked and long time ago, since slavery times and post the emancipation era,and the civil rights movement, they developed a spirit for revenge and to defend their kind from an eventual new oppression era, Black Lives Matter, is just a recent manifestation of the spirit that have been created through slavery and oppression times, the issue is that Negros' soul is dark, they hate, hate, and  hate, everybody, they are the most oppressed race on the planet and the scare of their historical subordination created a spirit not for defense, coesxistence, or equality but for revenge, Evil revenge, this is how it works and it is going on worldwide, they start by getting the "locals" empathy, causing a feeling of sympathy, they play the victim card until making the host milieu feeling a deep guilt, they ask for rights, same as in civil rights movement, they use their new acquired rights to infiltrate all the sectors and fields, they occupy key positions, they spread like a plague in institutions to tighten up the grip.
Of course some positions, which are mainly elite, still beyond their reach, all they do is roaming around like an enraged wild dog that can't get a piece of meat, so it anticipates and wait, making sure it keeps it under its watch, that explains their presence in all the social classes and institutions, they try to corrupt highly placed individuals if they can't get into the key position they are occupying, as a way into executing their agenda of serving their own kinds interests,  being recently at the white house isn't a major achievement since Obama is biracial and Michelle in the 2 terms exposed all the inferiority complexes surrounding the African American community, from obesity to lack of education, despite being at the white house, Michelle played the race card in every possible chance and Obama many times expressed indirectly his support for the Black Lives Matter movement.

The emancipation proclamation was just the beginning 
They ask for More rights, more rights, and again more rights, they have the blessings of the ZOG which is working hard to flip the demographic composition of the U.S. upside down with a colored taking over slowly but surely, they keep getting more rights until abusing humans civil rights, this is what happened when political correctness and positive discrimination reach extreme levels until making being colored a privileged racial group, Black Live Matter crap movement is just an example of Negros want to be above the law.

And this trend is going on worldwide, like if the US is setting a role model for the western world, we witness worldwide a Take Over by Negros and other colored of positions in key institutions facilitating even more Negros and colored to pour in making the locals a marginal class which is commonly called populations replacement

Monday, April 8, 2024

Negros negarive influence

This post will be presenting more arguments to support the fact of the negative influence of Negros on white milieux, besides anthropology and the partially evolved state as a direct natural factor contributing in shaping negros physical characteristics, mental abilities, and violent or immoral behavior, slavery contributed more or less in defining today's Negros socioeconomic situation and the formation of their post emancipation reality in a world that never experienced such atrocities. 

A Shift in the core of American values.

The speculation about the enslaved spirit reigning on Americans and as a part of the "initial founding American spirit" that is tending to disappear and to be replaced by the emerging, fast growing, and resulting of the cross-breeding and the invasion of Blacks of all the aspects of American life.  Those speculations are founded on solid arguments and they are proved true each day passing by, the ridiculous way Americans act, their gross appearance and the degree of their stupidity are just an explanation of the evil,  voir primitive spirit reigning in America.
The partially evolved being is sure alive inside Negros body, their soul has nothing of human, and their spirit is brought from the daknesd if Africa, this combination of primitive form of life and evil spirit have been infesting all aspects of life in America, the overall western world, and it is spreading to all the socioeconomic classes.

Observing Negro behavior and physiology give a great proof of the animal instincts prevailing on the nature of Black people.

Negros cultural invasion

Negros poison the society and the milieu where they exist through their backwarded and savage, almost animal-like life style. Hearing "Slang Drugs" "Rob Dat Nigga" and” Fuck Bitches All night", will make the society sick in the head sooner or later. This kind of behavior is ingested in the mind of Americans through the so a la mode hip hop culture promoted by an media advocating the blacks integration and an all "homogenous/Black infested society", as a result the American mentality and culture is not only strongly influenced and manipulated by the presence of the Blacks in all the levels of the society, the overall American culture is derived from the black mentality and the hip hop culture, it’s like you can’t talk about American culture without invoking the hip hop and black culture, in fact that’s the culture that USA broadcast in the world, that’s how America is represented worldwide.

Sure watching institution like MTV and BET present the Black race as successful and melting in the society, a happy society, advocating that image by invoking multiculturalism as a progression of the society by the elites, has its reasons, often explained by the Right to the pursuit of happiness, even if it means looking and acting like a jackass. Sure Negros influence on the society is beyond the natural achievement (vector) but the reality of the Black race in USA has nothing to do with the main stream media, the black race is the dysfunctional member that have to be amputated for a healthier nation but with a Zionism infeated political system, now they are talking about slavery reparation, thats how far the left brainwashing went.

Slow and steady replacement of locals values

In real life the influence of Blacks on the society is more or less evident depending on the intensity of the exposition to Negro harm or like some wants to call it the Coontact, Negros are very influential and they change mentalities and attitudes, they infiltrate all levels of the society, from all backgrounds and ages, all, boosted by an media promoting Negros integration and advocating Black people lifestyles as an cultural revolution and often associating it with the American culture and identity, reminder America is a rootless culture, and the only civilization Americans know is the Europeans civilization, some talk about American culture as an perversion of the European one, as a result, Negros behavior is very tolerated and often is associated with the American cultural revolution, typical Negro Behavior includes smoking crack, robbing, raping, murdering, crotch grabbing, staying unemployed, surviving on free shit, It also includes breeding in excessive level for financial gains, to get more welfare, and it’s often more of an investment than an spontaneous contraception, often we have single black moms prostitutes to get more cash in addition to welfare, the father often left or in jail having sex with other men, brief Negros have no sense of what is like to be human. 

Negros situation as slavery residues 

Slavery ended in 1865, followed by reconstruction, which ended in 1877. Freed slaves, who had spent their lives being told what to do and were conditioned to react rather than initiate thought, were left to their own devices to face “freedom”. African American scholar Michael Eric Dyson states, “The effect of slavery continues to exert its brutal influence in the untold sufferings of millions of everyday folk”. He continues by saying that slavery is responsible for the high level of black residential separation from Whites today.

In “The Ethnic Myth”, Stephen Steinberg writes, “ghettos are nothing less than the shameful residue of slavery.” Many scholars blame slavery for the pathologies in the Black community such as homelessness, single-parent households, and youth violence. Views that are more radical claim, “Slavery is a constant reminder of what whites in America might do.” There is a belief that slavery stole their African culture.

While these arguments have merit, there are equally strong arguments that say that the opposite is true and camaraderie is a direct result of slavery. This segment of the population argues that African heritage was passed on, through the generations as one form of rebellion against the oppression brought on by slavery. These scholars would say that the Black culture today is a blend of African and European influences compiled with the adaptations necessitated by slavery resulting in a rich culture of religion, music, family, and art. It is a fact that African American culture has influenced White culture in many ways.

It cannot be disputed that slavery has affected the American culture today, both Black and White. The dispute remains on defining that effect and how to address this issue.

Cultural invasion of Negros

One of the important cultural invasion of Blacks or African American is the RAP music, Rap has rotted Americans brains. Negros have destroyed all moral accountability. Negro always talking about "all da bitches wantz muh dik" and how he "treet dem bitchez" and all that other Negro nonsense, in fact it’s solidly founded on historical and todays facts, the fascination of white females with the black males trace its roots back to the slavery time and sexual encounters started in the plantations long before the “so called” Emancipation” today, interracial sex, is a life style and an bedrock in the American infrastructure.

As a result a new social category been implanted in the American society texture, it’s the Negros friendly, the Negros lovers aka the coalburners, and as an extreme cultural influences the Wiggers.

Wiggers, when racial appropriation kicks in

Wigger is a pejorative slang term for a white person who emulates mannerisms, language, and fashions associated with African-American culture, particularly hip hop culture. The term is considered derogatory, reflecting stereotypes of African-American.

Wiggers are considered by some sarcasms as a new evolutionary specie: (Homo Sapien Niganderthal Whitus), their mating habits, their survival strategies, and their urban and suburban habitats are specific to their kind.

The highest living standard and most happiness Negros have ever achieved was when they were slaves in the old south. They had everything taken care of for them, suitable quarters to live in, three square meals every day, and someone to watch over them. Life was good and many Negro ex-slaves said so when they were interviewed many years ago. Slavery wasn't like it is portrayed in the movies. Slaves were very expensive and their owners knew that in order to get the most work out of them they would have to treat them decently and make sure they were healthy and reasonably happy. Otherwise, they would run off or try to kill their owners.

Negros "arrogance infused self entitlement" is self-destruction. 


Negros need to have enough brain cells to comprehend their utter inferiority to Whites and realize just how worthless, destructive, and ignorant they really are. Upon realizing this, they can either drown themselves in booze, drugs, and criminality, or become uppity Negros.

Today, most of Americans mentality is just an deformed mirror reflect of Negros typical behavior, the Wiggermania is spreading, the Negros friendly, lovers and the coalburners are taking over by thousands, cross breeding with Negros make the hybrid specie sliding to the majority in the demographic sheme, what they have in common; they have enough Negros blood, genes and influence in them to guarantees an eminent chaos and anarchy in the future.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Common ancestry: the great Ape

This post goes into the series of "The African Americans Issue". It is a reflection of Negros or the African people typical behavior on their ancestry and the prevailing of animal like instinct in their attitude and its repercussions on modern Humans mieux that they are so obsessed to invade since they can't be self-sufficient or probably because it is the prophecy presented long time ago about the final battle between Good and Evil or Divine Human beings and Satan vassals, the talk about the fight of good and Evil, bien entendue, won't be as in the movies incarnated in physical concretization  but through demographics, as God infused Divinity in modern Humans, Satan or Evil will have to find vassals that fit into Earth environment, those simply are partially evolved or diversified populations for they did not reach the optimal evolutionary stage to claim their humanity, and trying to lead them to the right path is a lost cause, they just act like if they being enlightened from a subordination situation because "the food is good".

Understanding the evolution theory, for a better perception of Black people’s behavior and situation.

Anthropological background 

The modern theory concerning the evolution of man proposes that humans and apes derive from an apelike ancestor that lived on earth a few million years ago. The theory states that man, through a combination of environmental and genetic factors, emerged as a species to produce the variety of ethnicities seen today, while modern apes evolved on a separate evolutionary pathway.

Evolution is not an exact science and it’s very controversial and the paleontologist findings used to justify  theories about human evolution are in constant changes. The migration of the Homo-Erectus out of Africa caused the speciation of Homo-Sapiens from its ancestor, and in Africa the Homo- Erectus stagnated in its early stage or evolved to a less developed stage forming the Black race or African people.

Exposing blind racism

That explains the tendency of the Black race to be compared to apes or chimpanzees, in fact it is pure blind racism, it is more an insinuation about their lower IQ, physical characteristics, under-development of mental abilities, tendency to be violent and prevailing of animal instincts in their overall behavior, than to state that they are monkeys or animals, it is well known that all humans are created equal, sure descended from the great ape, but they advanced to different evolutionary stages causing an unequal levels of development which  consequently affected their physical and mental aptitudes, often associating Africans with monkeys is to express either their different physical characteristics, savage behavior, or lower IQ.

Conséquences on typical Negros behavior

This fact will be used for the rest of this analysis of the African race situation in America and globally in the world, the negative impact they have on the society and the destructive effect they exerce (french) on any milieu they invade, in the sense of perverting the locals' morals, spreading lawlessness and anarchy by their tendency to have no distinction between right and wrong because of the prevailing of primitive instincts on their overall attitude, the effects of such invasion of primitive genes of white milieux on the long term is a total destruction of the modern human built infrastructure and locals end up more of a zombies form of life than human beings as we've seen in Detroit or Philadelphia, and recently London and NYC to not cite just very few affected large metropolitan areas. 

Destructive natutr of Negros 

Based on the limitations inflected on the African race by the constraints caused by a state of partial evolution,  an essay of understanding the special status of the African race and as a consequence the special measures that have to be taken, since the impact and the influence of Negros are obviously causing an imminent deterioration of all the values of Human societies is broadcasted via the MSM, Negros destructive nature caused by a partially evolved stage is to blame and, beyond Negros fucked up existence as a parasite form of life feeding on the host milieu resources because they didn't evolve and consequently they can't be self-sufficient, create their own resources, or recognizable achievements as Human beings, all they do is survive on  Western aids, invade the Western world, or survive as a marginal form of lie if they settled in Humans world long enough as in America, the negative influence of Negros on  all the aspects of Human life is visible to the naked eye.

Evolutionary deficit induce animals instincts 

Negros aka African people are often compared to animals, because of the prevailing of animals instincts in their overall behavior, it goes as dark as saying that they got pubic hair on their head, because they are so perverted and think sex 24/7 of course that's an exageraion, they always have sex in mind because that’s how they integrate modern human milieus and improve their primitive traits. 

Negros are compared to a promitive form if life because of their wild nature and lack of modern humans reasoning, they know no morals, as such, they have no concept of decency, they have no idea, how modern society works. Negros judge everything and everyone by the standards of an animal pack, where the animal with biggest penis is apparently the king. Male Negros thus very commonly refer to their sexual organs as "muh dikk" and will refer to its size no matter the circumstances. They know full well they are absolutely NO match for humans in intelligence and ingenuity, so they attempt to counter it by bringing humans down to their level, with measuring things such as muscles, aggressiveness and size of penis.

The sad truth about Negros
Negros aka Africans are a great menace to the society and to the people that exist in an Negros infested environment …Negros aka African wherever they exist they bring destruction, ignorance, lawlessness and perversion, Negros destroy families and societies by their perversion, Negros are criminals and rapist, that’s embedded their nature inherited from their archaic genes they inherited, they rob, kill and rape as an natural behavior derived from a survival instinct without feeling that it’s wrong or feeling any guilt or remorse. 

Negros are evil, they are "talking" primitive form of life, they are the missed link between the Homo-Erectus and modern humans, or to simplify they are a partially evolved modern humans, the Homo-erectus stuck in a primitive evolutionary stage.

Consequences of Negros existence amongst humans

All these facts about Negros physical and mental traits, created an issue that only people existing away from Negros harmful influence and perversion can experience, Since people coexisting with Negreos are mostly to get used to Negreos typical behavior i.e. perversion, savagism and the prevailing of primitive instincts, and they tend to themselves embrace such a behavior and even lifestyle, they are exhibiting a typical Negros behavior embedded in a human being appearance, they have been blacked or Niggerized, adapting to Negros influence, they start acting like Negros, their soul have been invaded by the spirit of the wild ape all the way from the darkness of Africa.

Adaptation to Negros influence 
Negros exerce great effects on their surroundings as we've seen above, those people end up submitted to Negros influence and lose any humanity in them, they are known as Negros friendly, Negros lovers, going to the extreme case of Wiggers, they are from different backgrounds and racial groups, their common point, they got trapped under the negative influence of a partially evolved form of life, now they are barely human and they host the spirit of a prehistoric entity, the evil wild primates spirit characterizing Negros behavior and attitude, in a perpetual quest for revenge of humanity for all those years stuck in Africa in a quasi primitive state, finally released from the darkness of Africa to find humanity in all it’s development and prosperity, while it was stuck in a primitive state and it will be treated like an animal during all slavery years, as a natural animalistic instinct, it thinks that the humanity owes them something or that their partial evolution is the humanity fault, it vowed revenge and as a natural bestial instinct it’s first target is white women which explain the obsession of Negros with white females and their eternal quest for the white vagina as the easiest way to catch up the humanity locomotive of development and evolution, unable to evolve naturally,  the short cut is cross-breeding and it works; light skinned Negros from all backgrounds are everywhere.

The US masses, white looking Negros "by appropriation"

Sure they look normal (thick and stupid), but they are hosting the spirit, the evil spirit brought from the darkness of Africa, where it has been locked for hundreds of thousands of years, somebody is obsessed with freedom?  As the evil spirit is reigning in America after it been on the loose post the emancipation proclamation, dispersed and infested all the demographic groups and racial  classes through Negros seeds.

American mentality shifted to a perversion of what it was, Americans are just some kind of brainwashed  zombies, repeating the same melody of praise for Negros existence out of the plantations (they freed them lol), as a consequence the term "freedom" is often included without making any sense, from affluent people to the minimum wage workers, most of  national slogans and politicians speeches are revolving about “freedom".

Freedom, the eternal issue

Negros, necessarily in the US, and worldwide by racial appropriation are suffering from an eternal obsession and paranoia about the concept of freedom, reaching the ridiculous stage that it’s been used in any appropriate (even if it is only invoked in USA in those modern days) since there is no major imperialist conquest, other than the enslavement of the American people by the elites and all kinds of secret societies operating in the background of the political system) and inappropriate way, the masses in American been stupid, ignorant,  superficial arrogance, pretencieux and into a lot of exhibition, use the term freedom in all their "soit disant" intelligent discours , in fact when they are confused, unable to understand a situation,the freedom term is used to brainwash the masses, since it is a sensitive issue due the history of America and African Americans, into a fake cause while in reality, enslaving their mind.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

The African American issue

 This post is titled "The African American Issue" but it is addressing all populations of African ancestry since due to the globalization of the planet same issue of partially evolved populations invasion of modern humans milieux is happening worldwide same we've seen in this post: "Fish out of the Water: Consequences of the Evolutionary Gap"  throughout history starting since the transatlantic slaves trade. 

This series of posts will divided into many parts, it is from another blog that I made a while ago, I thought it will be better presented if I divided into many parts with some illustration.

It is the same as the concept of "Fish out of the Water: Consequences of the Evolutionary Gap", I wrote it long before I found the said article online, it is based on the striking observation that despite all the efforts made to integrate Negros in modern humans milieux, humanize them and make them productive members of society, they still represent signs of evolutionary deficit sespite being improved by modern humans genes, the article fish out the wate: Consequences of the Evolutionary Gap presented the concept from a global planetey perspective, in this series of posts, we based on the American Negro, while the same scheme may be applied to African race in the modern world worldwide. 

I will have to moderate the posts, the focus won't be on paleontology, archeology or anthropology but brief mention will be included without focusing on the scientific aspect, these series of posts are some kind of sarcasm presenting the irony of the situation of this world post globalization and diversification of the planet. It is not as in LP Blog/Site  where the scientific aspect was presented to justify the new stratifications or denominations presented. 

The first post is a small reflection about ancient populations intercontinental movements, it is more of a sarcastic reflection about the situation of the African race throughout history than a proved scientific fact: these series of posts will be divided into different parts titled differently no sequence of parts will be used. 

Negros evolution after the second “Out of Africa” event.

African slaves, were in such primitive state in Africa, their native land, been sold to the white master as wild animals chained and feed to keep them alive as the valuable merchandise they represent for the plantations, and the “voyage to America” changed some of their traits and characteristics forever, betrayed by their own home-land natives and sold into slavery like merchandise to the Europeans, to be shipped to the new world, where their existence as black slave, as well as their descendants aka AFRICAN AMERICANS today will change the future of the black race forever, constituing a new class, voir a new specie of the Black race on the planet earth.

What the author of this article has called the second “out of Africa” event, compared to the 1st “Out of Africa” of the Homo-Erectus or the archaice homo-Sapien, representing the origine of the black race as we know it today, in it’s primitive state, from where it doesnt evolved much, since the dark skin andafro hair are the resulting characteristic of the lose of the fur by the great ape, and its progressive evolution until the stage of the homo-Erectus and a little further to the archaice homo-Sapien or the black race as we know it today, the 1st out of africa event is when the homo-Erectus or the archaice homo-Sapien left the root continent exploring new continents and words, and how it evolved to the “homo-sapiens” then progressively to the modern humans we know today, progressing from their state of homo-Erectus or black race in its primitive stage to the iron mastering era until a revolution industrial, while the black race stagned in Africa in its quasi archaice homo-Sapien.

Sure from the “homo erectus” to the modern humans making an revolution industrial is a long evolutionary process, it changed all the aspects of humanity, from the physical characteristics, behavioral trait, and social life organization to the huge progress in medicine, dietetic, technology and industry, making life easier, sure it was a long way since the fire and the roue, and as a natural consequence facilitating a bigger rate of procreation, and a progressive transformation of the physiology and mentality and social life of humankind.

The second “out of Africa” event is a way or a chance for the black race to complete its evolution, since they didn’t evolve, nor progress as much as those who left the root continent and evolved to homo S. Sapiens then to modern humans, from the “homo-erectus” stage they were stuck in a partial evolutionary stage represented by the black race as a link “missed?” between modern humans and the great ape, the stage called or represented by the “homo-erectus” or archaice homo Sapein, since the evolution is not an exact science, witch has all the characteristic of the Black race native of Africa.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Slavery...the eternal issue in America Part 2/2

 Lincoln stated that the emancipation of slaves was not his focus or goal. Why? Because his priority was the preservation of the Union; addressing Southern secession, therefore, was his principal objective.

It was only when Lincoln feared losing the Civil War (1861-1865) that he freed slaves in the South. "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it," wrote Lincoln in 1862. "What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union." (President Abraham Lincoln).

While the 13th amendment seems to have freed African Americans, for whatsoever reason that was.
It is crucial to note that; the passing from a state of bondage, enslavement, subjugation, confinement to a progressive state of relative progressive freedom, which transited from the right to vote, the lack of personhood or citizenship, all forms of segregation, until the tyranny of BLM, and civil right abuses going on; does not necessary mean that they were made the Equal of Whites, below is a theoretical overview on the contradiction on the state of the equality of African American to Whites, between a liberal and a conservative points of view, and how they intersect at the so-called "unprincipled exceptions"

Theoretical retrospective

In a liberal society, where the only legitimate principles are liberal principles, no principled opposition to the onward march of liberal freedom and equality is possible. The only way opposition to liberalism can manifest itself is as a series of holding actions, in which the holdouts, who generally accept the prevailing liberalism, will nevertheless resist it on some particular issue without opposing liberalism as such. These unprincipled exceptions to liberalism take the form of appeals to established habits and traditions, or to majority opinion, or to common sense, or to social utility, or to inertia, or to some undefined feeling that we shouldn't go "too far," or even to some supposed beneficent fate that will keep the unwanted liberal victory from occurring without our having to do anything about it. A liberal who adheres to one or more such exceptions to liberalism is called a conservative. [Correction: There are both “liberal” and “conservative” unprincipled exceptions to liberalism. For conservatives, unprincipled exceptions to liberalism are the only permissible way in liberal society to oppose liberalism; for liberals, they are the only way to go on living and functioning despite being liberals.] The conservative's appeal is to what exists. At any given moment in time, there is present in a society an inchoate body of sentiments, habits, traditions, and understandings that liberalism has not yet challenged and which seem, as far as anyone can tell, unquestionable and authoritative. But the apparent authority of these values and beliefs is only based on the fact that they have not yet been questioned. Because no anti-liberal principle has been articulated to back up these values, as soon as they are seriously challenged, they begin to be abandoned, if not immediately, then through a prolonged process of foot-dragging. To liberals, of course, the failure of conservatives to come up with principled arguments against liberalism only proves that there is no principled position other than liberalism.

Unprincipled exception: Negros are not Equal to Whites
Perhaps the most interesting example of the unprincipled exception in American history is Abraham Lincoln's stand against Negro social equality prior to the Civil war, as set forth in his 1858 debates with Stephen Douglas. Let me make it clear that in discussing the issue of racial equality I am not taking a stand for or against Lincoln's earlier endorsement of social inequality between the races, or his later, progressively more liberal views on race; I am trying, rather, to understand the dynamics by which a highly intelligent and articulate politician, who initially supported racial inequality, was moved—by the seemingly irresistible force of events and by his own evolving views of the matter—to renounce the racial inequality he had once ringingly affirmed.
Lincoln's unprincipled exception consisted in this, that he subscribed to the liberal belief in a universal equality of human rights, while making an exception with regard to political, social, and physical equality. He did this by interpreting the principle of equality in the Declaration of Independence as both universal and narrow.
 As he saw it, the phrase, "all men are created equal ... with certain unalienable rights," meant that men were equal, but only in respect of those unalienable rights, not in any other respects. In the first Lincoln-Douglas debate, in Ottawa, Illinois, Lincoln, fending off Douglas's charge that he was a race leveller, stated outright that he did not believe in the social equality of the races. I'll quote this famous passage in full:

[A]nything that argues me into his idea of perfect social and political equality with the negro, is but a specious and fantastic arrangement of words, by which a man can prove a horse chestnut to be a chestnut horse. ... I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and the black races. There is a physical difference between the two, which in my judgment will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality, and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong, having the superior position. I have never said anything to the contrary, but I hold that notwithstanding all this, there is no reason in the world why the negro is not entitled to all the natural rights enumerated in the Declaration of Independence, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I hold that he is as much entitled to these as the white man. I agree with Judge Douglas he is not my equal in many respects----certainly not in color, perhaps not in moral or intellectual endowment. But in the right to eat the bread, without leave of anybody else, which his own hand earns, he is my equal and the equal of Judge Douglas, and the equal of every living man ."

In the fourth debate, at Charleston, Illinois, he said:
While I was at the hotel to-day an elderly gentleman called upon me to know whether I was really in favor of producing a perfect equality between the negroes and white people. While I had not proposed to myself on this occasion to say much on that subject, yet as the question was asked me I thought I would occupy perhaps five minutes in saying something in regard to it. I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races,—that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will for ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.

In sum, Lincoln's position (and I'm assuming for the sake of this discussion that he was being sincere in what he was saying and not merely positioning himself for political purposes) was that blacks could have complete equality as to their natural rights, i.e., to the rights pertaining to their life, liberty and property, while they would continue to have no political rights and would be kept in a markedly subordinate social sphere. The first question that arises is, how did Lincoln imagine that such a scheme could ever be sustainable in practice? Once the Negroes ceased to be slaves and became free, free to work where they wanted, free to travel where they wanted, and so on, did Lincoln actually envision that they would not be citizens as well? And once they were citizens, would they not have political rights--the right to vote and the right to hold office? And once they had those political rights, how could social equality and social intermingling not follow? In Chicago that same year Lincoln said: "Let us discard all this quibbling about this man and the other man—this race and that race and the other race being inferior. [Instead let us] unite as one people through this land, until we shall once more stand up declaring that all men are created equal." But how could Lincoln, whose logical faculty was the equal of anyone's in American history, think that ending slavery in the name of such a ringing ideal would leave blacks forever deprived of citizenship and political rights?

At bottom, Lincoln seemed to assume that mere social prejudice, the desire of whites that blacks not be their political and social equals, could stop any further application to the black man (beyond the ending of slavery itself) of the universal, shining principle that "all men are created equal." His belief in continued political and social distinctions between the races was thus an unprincipled exception to his principled belief in equality.
It could not stand, neither in practice, nor in logic. And, as we know from 140 years of experience since Lincoln's time, once the liberal principle of equality was adopted, all the other, ever more progressive forms of equality followed—first equality of citizenship, then political equality, then social equality, then moral equality, and then, as we have today, guaranteed group equality of results, not only for the descendants of black slaves, but for newly arrived non-white immigrants. We have thus traveled, step by step, by the abandonment of one unprincipled exception after another, from Lincoln's narrowly tailored interpretation of the Declaration of Independence to an outright system of racial socialism.
My point here is not to argue that the slaves should not have been freed or that blacks should not have citizenship rights. My point is that in the absence of any non-liberal principle of social order, people who apparently oppose the next, more progressive plank of the liberal agenda will inevitably end up yielding to it.
Posted by Lawrence Auster

The Dred Scott Case 
Dred Scott Case, argued before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1856–57. It involved the then bitterly contested issue of the status of slavery in the federal territories. In 1834, Dred Scott, a black slave, personal servant to Dr. John Emerson, a U.S. army surgeon, was taken by his master from Missouri, a slave state, to Illinois, a free state, and thence to Fort Snelling (now in Minnesota) in Wisconsin Territory, where slavery was prohibited by the Missouri Compromise.

There he married before returning with Dr. Emerson to Missouri in 1838. After Emerson's death, Scott sued (1846) Emerson's widow for freedom for himself and his family (he had two children) on the ground that residence in a free state and then in a free territory had ended his bondage. He won his suit before a lower court in St. Louis, but the Missouri supreme court reversed the decision (thus reversing its own precedents). Scott's lawyers then maneuvered the case into the federal courts. Since J. F. A. Sanford, Mrs. Emerson's brother, was the legal administrator of her property and a resident of New York, the federal court accepted jurisdiction for the case on the basis of diversity of state citizenship. After a federal district court decided against Scott, the case came on appeal to the Supreme Court. In Feb., 1857, the court decided in conference to avoid completely the question of the constitutionality of the Missouri Compromise and to rule against Scott on the ground that under Missouri law as now interpreted by the supreme court of that state he remained a slave despite his previous residence in free territory. However, when it became known that two antislavery justices, John McLean and Benjamin R. Curtis, planned to write dissenting opinions vigorously upholding the constitutionality of the Missouri Compromise (which had, in fact, been voided by the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854), the court's Southern members, constituting the majority, decided to consider the whole question of federal power over slavery in the territories. They decided in the case of Scott v. Sandford (the name was misspelled in the formal reports) that Congress had no power to prohibit slavery in the territories, and Chief Justice Roger B. Taney delivered the court's opinion that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional. Three of the justices also held that a black “whose ancestors were … sold as slaves” was not entitled to the rights of a federal citizen and therefore had no standing in court. The court's verdict further inflamed the sectional controversy between North and South and was roundly denounced by the growing antislavery group in the North.

13th Amendment, U.S. Constitution: A History
Setting the Stage
 "No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State." 

Text of the original 13th Amendment, also known as the Corwin Amendment, to the U.S. Constitution as passed by the United States Congress on March 2, 1861, passed by the U.S. Senate on March 3, 1861, and signed by President Buchanan on March 3, 1861. (The Three-Fifths Compromise, aka Three-fifths Clause.)

President James Buchanan publicly endorsed and applauded the Corwin Amendment. President Abraham Lincoln, in his first inaugural address, furthermore, did not oppose the Corwin Amendment: "[H]olding such a provision to now be implied Constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable." Just weeks prior to the outbreak of the Civil War, moreover, Lincoln penned a letter to each governor asking for them to support the Corwin Amendment. (President Abraham Lincoln and Southern Secession: Why did the South Secede and what Caused the Civil War?.)

(Above) President Lincoln on slavery and the Union: Lincoln stated that the emancipation of slaves was not his focus or goal. Why? Because his priority was the preservation of the Union; addressing Southern secession, therefore, was his principal objective. (Civil War and Slavery: The South, Slave Trade, Slaves and SlaveryCivil War and Slavery: The South, Slave Trade, Slaves and Slavery , 13th Amendment, Constitution, Slavery: What Caused the Civil War13th Amendment, Constitution, Slavery: What Caused the Civil War , and Civil War Causes: States Rights & SecessionCivil War Causes: States Rights & Secession .)
Abraham Lincoln, in his first inaugural address on March 4, 1861, specifically referred to this amendment:
    "I understand a proposed amendment [Corwin Amendment] to the Constitution...has passed Congress [March 2, 1861], to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service. I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable."

Lincoln, Slavery, and Civil War
It was only when Lincoln feared losing the Civil War (1861-1865) that he freed slaves in the South. "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it," wrote Lincoln in 1862. "What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union." (President Abraham Lincoln on RacePresident Abraham Lincoln on Race  and President Lincoln, Slaves, Abolition, Emancipation, Black Colonization and the Black ColonyPresident Lincoln, Slaves, Abolition, Emancipation, Black Colonization and the Black Colony .)
President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation of 1863Emancipation Proclamation of 1863  did not free a single slave, and, issued only after the Confederacy seemed to be winning the war, Lincoln hoped to transform a disagreement over SecessionSecession  into a crusade against slaveryslavery .
The Emancipation Proclamation, which also permitted and kept slavery intact in the border states, was a political decision to block the South from gaining recognition from England and France (The Trent AffairThe Trent Affair , Preventing Diplomatic Recognition of the ConfederacyPreventing Diplomatic Recognition of the Confederacy , and American Civil War and International DiplomacyAmerican Civil War and International Diplomacy ). Whether slavery was intact or abolished, he stated that either was completely acceptable in order to preserve the Union. (Civil War Causes: States Rights & SecessionCivil War Causes: States Rights & Secession .)
Lincoln, who had previously obstructed the U.S. Supreme Court from conducting a hearing or ruling on secession, merely invoked "freeing the slaves" as justification to preserve the Union. As president, he was completely and unequivocally pro-Union. So, was the war about freeing the slaves or denying Southern Secession? (Southern States Secede: Secession of the South HistorySouthern States Secede: Secession of the South History  and Civil War Causes: States Rights & SecessionCivil War Causes: States Rights & Secession .)
Almost thirty years before the Civil War, South Carolina threatened to secede from the Union. Why? Because of High Tariffs and not because of slavery (Nullification CrisisNullification Crisis ). Later, when the South desired to secede, this was President Lincoln's response to secession, not slavery, in his First Inaugural Address on March 4, 1861: "No State, upon its own mere motion, can lawfully get out of the Union." Lincoln was adamantly concerned about secession and not about slavery.
Lincoln had never sought a U.S. Supreme Court decision stating whether or not Southern SecessionSouthern Secession  was constitutional; the nation’s highest court was its only judicial and lawful arbiter. Lincoln also suspended the writ of habeas corpus, and when approached by the Chief Justice, Lincoln threatened to imprison him. (Ex Parte MilliganEx Parte Milligan , President Abraham Lincoln and the Supreme Court, President Abraham Lincoln and the Chief Justice, and President Abraham Lincoln and Ex Parte Merryman.)

13th Amendment controversy

The 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States  prohibits slavery :
The 13th Amendment to the Constitution declared that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude...shall exist within the United States." Formally abolishing slavery in the United States, the 13th Amendment was passed by the Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the states on December 6, 1865.

Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Proposal and Ratification
The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was proposed to the legislatures of the several states by the Thirty-eighth United States Congress, on January 31, 1865. The amendment was ratified by the legislatures of twenty-seven of the thirty-six states on December 6, 1865. (It was ratified by the necessary three-quarters of the states within one year of its proposal.) Mississippi, however, which was the last of the thirty-six states in existence in 1865, ratified it in 1995. The dates of ratification were:
Passed by Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified on December 6, 1865, the 13th amendment abolished slavery in the United States.

The 13th amendment, which formally abolished slavery in the United States, passed the Senate on April 8, 1864, and the House on January 31, 1865. On February 1, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln approved the Joint Resolution of Congress submitting the proposed amendment to the state legislatures. The necessary number of states ratified it by December 6, 1865. The 13th amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
In 1863 President Lincoln had issued the Emancipation Proclamation declaring “all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.” Nonetheless, the Emancipation Proclamation did not end slavery in the nation. Lincoln recognized that the Emancipation Proclamation would have to be followed by a constitutional amendment in order to guarantee the abolishment of slavery.
The 13th amendment was passed at the end of the Civil War before the Southern states had been restored to the Union and should have easily passed the Congress. Although the Senate passed it in April 1864, the House did not. At that point, Lincoln took an active role to ensure passage through congress. He insisted that passage of the 13th amendment be added to the Republican Party platform for the upcoming Presidential elections. His efforts met with success when the House passed the bill in January 1865 with a vote of 119–56.
With the adoption of the 13th amendment, the United States found a final constitutional solution to the issue of slavery. The 13th amendment, along with the 14th and 15th, is one of the trio of Civil War amendments that greatly expanded the civil rights of Americans.

The Illusion of freedom in the US

Are Blacks really free>?
Almost 90% are living on welfare......Is this freedom?'s like the whole race is dependent of the system ... It's slavery reparation, but nobody talk about it ...Mestizos getting welfare too... Their ancestors were victim of the largest genocide in the history of the world...Americans are trying to apologize for their ancestor actions.....Now white race looks pretty missed up, the middle class collapsing to poverty, and Blacks hitting on every white wife and her daughter in sight ...Latino making tons of cash illegally and sending it south of the border, if things get messed up, they got an insurance in  their native country ...and white will be stuck here with poverty and damaged white vagina ....hahhahahah 

Honestly, Are Blacks really free?
Can they be independents? can they survive without all kinds of government assistance, that is the way of whites to say "sorry folks about our common history, slavery and sheeet..."

Can they do other kind of work other than those especially made to integrate them? especially made to the Blacks lazy nature and low IQ. i.e.  Security guards...they are all black...That was a good idea....Blacks hung out in corners and in entrance of buildings anyway, So, the brilliant idea was to put them in uniforms, letting them hung around in corners and buildings entrance, same way as they do anyways, except now they will get paid for it....How brave, original slavery reparation way. 

Yawl so pathetic. 

Note de conclusion
Freedom is closely related to independence you can’t be free if you are not independent, dependence means an ensemble of constraints and exigencies controlling and shaping the daily life necessities and an imposed way of action regarding different vital aspects of life and it interfere with the pure essence of freedom...

The illusion of freedom best presentation is in the American society, built on slavery and fresh from an era of extreme segregation where there was areas for colored and areas for whites, the false interpretation of freedom is the main issue in America, smoothened to an presentable image of an American society, homogenous where life is better, while the whole stupid mass live in an virtual slavery, and are technically enslaved by the Zionist government for its world domination agenda, the NWO theory is already practiced in America, and American are the cobailles for the more global idea of an universal government, think about how Americans are stupid and brainwashed in a way to present America.    
Add kadia altered in video   

"The Emancipation can be defined as a transition from a state of Bondage to a state of dependence, forced by divers political, and socio-economic constraints  ...Freedom is always in the Horizons"

 Franco TaMere