Friday, August 12, 2011

A scenario not very improbable.

Well, it's an extreme scenario, but think beyond the primate body, think of the animal spirit, which is already present in America, and cross breed that happened in an excessive level since the 70's , some talk about Satan ovulating and fertilizing through the cross breed, ever wondered why blacks want to cross breed in a obsession way, why he wants to spread his seeds left and right, in every possible and impossible occasion, among all races, it's Satan army rising, the new specie, the mutants. Some talk recently about a Parasite invasion and the take over by minority, this is the realizable scenario of the planet of the apes, it's very feasible scenario, some who felt the danger already elaborated theories to fight back, the ethnic cleansing as an extreme measure and the Reserve as a moderate solution.

Off course events like this don't happen overnight, it's a long term process, history shifts take decades to centuries, check out the history of the world, America is in transition time, just observe the recent events, either you collapse or you revolt. Some thing must happens to shake the stagnation of your nation, a stagnation similar to standing on a quicksand.   

Now, let's see beyond the lab, and let's examine some demographic  facts:

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