debunking the Taboo of racial interactions in America from interracial deflowering to Affirmative action
Historical perspective:
White supremacy fueled by the lost cause religion of sore Confederate veterans fueled vigilante groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and others, resulting in black men, women and children being attacked, assaulted, lynched and murdered. At times their dead bodies were gruesome figures left in smoldering fires or swinging from trees as public spectacles of open hostilities and warnings to others.
Black men were the primary targets of lynching and were considered justified victims because of their stereotypically large sexual appetites which focused on deflowering white women, thus they were a menace in need of extermination.
We’d had enough of that forced upon us from days of slavery. But as valid of a concern as this is, it shows an unwillingness to forgive and a willingness to being bound and limited by the past – both which are standpoints that contradict the love of God that Christians ought to show towards one another (Christian and non-Christian alike).
But there’s another side to coining racial dating as well: black men dating white women. I once watched a documentary on The History Channel which catalogued the history of drugs in America. Of particular intrigue to me was how it showcased prohibitive laws that were created for stimulant drugs. According to this show, the harsh penalties for using such drugs were racially motivated.
You see, with so much of the labor force being comprised of black men who took stimulants to ward off exhaustion, concern and fear soon began to mount for what they could do to the white women they worked around. Hopped up on such drugs, it was believed that black men would give in to their more feral “nature” to overpower and sexually assault white men’s daughters and wives. The irony of it all is that more recent stereotypes of white women in interracial couples seem to echo such fears played out as sexual fantasies:
Neither of these approaches to interracial dating are acceptable as they are predicated upon stereotypes of the wild nature of black men which plays into some of the cruder motivations for enslaving (and castrating) African men during slavery’s height in America.
But it doesn’t end there because there are some black men who enjoy living up to these expectations when dating white women – hell-bent on getting even with the cruelty of how we’ve been treated by white men by deflowering the innocence of their daughters. It goes without saying that such an aggressive side to the stigma behind why black men date white women works completely against the Kingdom of God.
Whites worried that Negroes would take their jobs, or that Negro men would deflower their women, or the whites were enraged by uppity coloreds who were no longer content to ride in segregated rail cars. So tensions rose and the smallest things could set off an apocalypse. In Chicago, a Negro boy swimming in Lake Michigan had drifted toward a part of the beach reserved for whites. The boy was stoned and drowned, touching off a wild fight between whites and blacks who had seen it happen. Negroes never won fights like that because of the numbers always arrayed against them, so the fight on the beach led to weeks of mayhem, with dozens killed and scores of black homes burned.
In the past interracial dating was probably frowned upon in America because of white people owning black people as slaves and being super unchill about letting black people have freedom. Times have changed now though, and although white people still basically own black people, kind of wondering if white people are ok with black bros hooking up with their girls.
I have always wondered if it was super satisfying for black bros to hook up with white girls because of slavery and whatnot. Like because how before blacks and whites couldn’t even ride the same bus but now they can ‘get it on’. Wonder if it makes black people feel good to know how far they have come in such a short period. Or on the other hand, sometimes I think that maybe all black guys hook up with white girls just out of spite and pure hatred of the white man and what better way to get the whites back for slavery than to ‘deflower’ their girls. Or maybe I am way wrong on both points, maybe black people and white people hook up because they actually like each other…
Kind of think that interracial sex hurts white people more because they have way more to lose than black people. I feel like for black people hooking up with a white person is a step up and probably feels like your getting ahead in society. But for white people hooking up with some other race is probably a step down because at one point in history white people wouldn’t even touch other races. Not too sure if any white people would admit this because white people have so much ‘white guilt’ for owning slaves and basically fucking every other race up for a long time. I think that white people just have to accept that this is the way it is now and have to deal with the fact that all races are almost equal now, almost but not quite, because old white guys still basically run the world. I guess it’s ok that old white men run the world, as long as they’re ok with us hooking up with their daughters.
Why do blacks feel inferior to white people
Get rid of Affirmative Action.
From a subconscious standpoint, they are unintentionally admitting they are our inferiors and cannot compete with us on an intellectual level. White privilege maybe existed a century or two ago but saying it does in this day is simply ludicrous. If you mean white privilege by a white person who works hard throughout high school, keeps a flawless GPA average in college, starts their way at the bottom of a company, and working their way up as white privilege, then yes, that is what is prevalent among white people in America.
All blacks have to do is not put in too much effort in high school which guarantees them a "black" scholarship, go off to college, and earn a degree with the lowest marks, thanks to their savior; Affirmative action, they are guaranteed a secure high position and an easy life.
So tell me, if you want to be seen as equals why do you still want affirmative action in place?
Why don't they level the playing field?
can you not see that it takes time to level the playing field. there have been so many "dead stumps" that must be removed in order to level a field for equality... In order to build houses we have to clear the field level the land and then one can begin to build, this is affirmative action, just take a look at the many fields that have had to be cleared; such as women's right to vote, civil rights, movements that you have slept thru? underground railroad movement etc...... Rome nor the Pyramids were built in one day, nor 140 years, and 140 years is how long it has been since blacks were slaves. For the last 140 years, blacks were held on an unlevel playing field by "Jim Crow laws" that have now firmly institutionalized itself. the playing field continues to keep to be unleveled. Affirmative action was put in place because of this unleveled playing field that you so blindly refuse to see. black men were allowed to vote as far back as the 1880s yet many lost their live just heading to the pole to stand in line to vote? woman no matter what color the skin, was just given the right to vote just 40 some years ago.
Americans of African ancestry, just 140 years ago were beaten to death in front of a group of their peers as an example of the punishment if a black was caught with a book? It was a crime just 140 years ago to allow a Negro to read? If a house Negro while cleaning even lingered too long in holding a book while dusting one of their masters' books, the master would flip out and ask "Why are you looking at the book"? "Gal, have you been trying to learn to read"! The slave gal would have to beg her Master who was on a higher footing in society than her, not to beat her/him while at the same time, this same gal had to convenience her master that she did not know how to read. There were many slave children that were the masters' children from the deflowering of their black slave mothers' virginity by this same master? and their half brothers and sisters who were masters White children by Mrs white Daisy did teach their brothers and sisters how to read behind their dad's back. these half-white brothers and sisters had more sense/compassion than you have today in 2010 at a time when reasoning/ compassion were not given to many slaves. upon the death of the white slave-owning parents, these white children freed their brothers and sisters who were born under the yoke of slavery and they shared their inheritance with their brothers and sisters who were not on an equal footing in society and sent them to places like England to live as they should as free as the creator intend all humans to live
My baby daughter once said to me something that has taken me some time to come to a full understanding of? She said " Mom, you know, death is not necessarily, always a bad thing" My baby girl was right. For even death by natural causes will bring about liberation from such ideas like yours. All those before you are not longer with us, well, except for in ideas like yours that brings about the festering of a new born babies soul/a new persons soul. No wonder “Anxiety” is the number one Illness today. It is ideas like your that keep the playing field unleveled and it continues to divide and seperate when what we need is to l just living together in peace and getting along as God intended. There are so many other things that we should be working on, other than a generational American of African having a program that can help them get a hands up
on this playing field that you so blindly can not see is far from equal. We have come a long way but like my girl Tina Turner sings “ Not Yet” "Not Yet" (her “Wildest Dream Tour”)
So tell me, if you want to be seen as equals why do you still want affirmative action in place?
the vote is still out, and we have not been confirmed complete as whites have as of yet. But as you can see we are still working on it. Ask yourself? Why are you ask this question? Even if you “could see” in spite of your blindness even you would be able to answer this question for yourself. Because if you have to ask this question even you know what the answer is. It is not just about the black American just here in America, take a simple look at all the third world brown counties that feel that too many of our white citizens have a little to much.
King David ask God not to give him too much least he might boast nor to give him to little least he might steal
It is about time the for the sun to set on the British Empire, don't you think so. There are so few that have so much and so many that have so little, so little that they feel that they now have to steal. It is sad because too much of that stealing are the lives of our love ones : 911 bombing of the world trade building, just recently the young man that placed a bomb to not only kill his fellow human brothers but himself includes? Can you see any;thing now? If not, then we as humans have and will continue to brought about our own destruction not by Gods hands who gave us the free will to choose, but by our very own hands
the world is watching America? This is why they danced in the streets world wide when we elective our first black president? who just happens to be white also. Yet. people like you do not have to fear? One black president, one secretary of state, and one national Security Advisor, does not level the playing field nor does it give the keys to the city to all black people. what is does give is a level of hope with a window of opportunity for our white & black brothers and sister to take another look at each other and start having open dialog
There's nothing you can do about it.
White women will always be intrigued because they realize this simple fact early on.
In addition to this the taboo nature of interracial relationships (vis a vis white peer milieu) creates additional anxiety which (translated into sexual emotion) increases anticipation and libido.
Unfortunately, people are encouraged to believe that wrong or unnatural is exciting, and thus, the rosy white girl being covered by a brutal black stud, invokes contrast and sexual tension no encounter between a white male and female could ever hope to achieve.
Compounding the issue is the natural physique of the black male; it isn't something blacks have to work on and develop in a timely fashion compared to their white counterparts.
White girls usually experience encounters with black males, having been already deflowered by close relatives and, consequently, they're in the best position to make these kinds of comparisons. Without fail, they are stunned by the endowment of the black male.
The white male fails to realize that malicious press and anti-black stereotyping of the kind designed to alienate black males, is very quickly exposed for what it is when a white female sees a young black male in his prime; to her he is the embodiment of natural sexuality, an Adonis unmatched and unparalleled.
The irony here is most poignant because it discomfits both black and white male alike; the black male will find an attractive white female (one with a tincture of original blood in her) almost irresistible simply because she has no inhibitions, failing to realize she is a creature of opportunity; the white male, brought up to value himself as the pinnacle of evolved life, although as insensitive as his female counterpart, is offended by her disregard of all efforts to keep her disdainful of blacks, accepting, ultimately, that his woman has a mind of her own, and that the black male, rather than the white, is god's gift to all women.
Jesus was a racist, says someone with the revealing name of Miguel De La Torre. Jesus had to be “taught” by a “woman of color” that racism prevents the poorest among us from having free health care, and her lesson “shocked Jesus into realizing that faith was not contingent on a person’s ethnicity.”
This woman of color had to cross the “border” demarcated by Jesus’ culture. But she crosses this border not to worship her oppressor (Jesus), but to demand an equal place at the table of the Lord. She demands to be treated as an equal.
It matters little if she belongs. It matters less if she has proper documentation. Her daughter was sick and because of her humanity, she was entitled to a healing.
Robert Stacy McCain of the Washington Times had the crazy idea that “racism” means something like wanting to hurt someone of a different race, or at least hating them. So he made the mistake of saying that an instinctive revulsion against miscegenation is not racism. He even wrote it in all capitals. Oh boy. We live in the year 2009, and we should know by now that if MLK’s dream meant anything, it at least involved the legal deflowering of your daughter.
If these people had any power at all a black man would not be president and African-American pornstars would not be deflowering white women by the hundreds in X-rated films. Sex acts of every kind between unmarried people quite often different races and occasionally of the same gender will occur in hotels worldwide no matter what people like the Gaedes think and or say. Presumably, the first thing skinheads would do if they had any pull anymore would be to go online and find Lexington Steele or Sean Michaels or other African-American pornstars that do interracial scenes...
The two girls have grown in to very beautiful young women and one hopes they will utilise their musical talents to entertain rather than defame.
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