Saturday, July 4, 2020

Slavery...the eternal issue in America Part 1/2

The 13th amendment in retrospective
Many Americans are under the illusion that the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolished slavery. Its words certainly sound as if it did: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." The language sounds quite clear. Neither "slavery" (defined by one dictionary as "submission to a dominating influence") nor "involuntary" ("compulsory") "servitude" ("a condition in which one lacks liberty esp. to determine one's course of action or way of life") shall exist within the United States.

But words are abstractions, and must always be interpreted. As Orwell made clear to us, unless we pay attention to what is being said, scheming men and women with ambitions over the lives and property of others, will interpret words in such ways as to convey the opposite meaning most of us attach to those words. This is true with the American state — particularly through its definers and obfuscators in the judicial system — in telling us the "true meaning" of the 13th Amendment. This provision was only intended to prohibit private forms of slavery; the state was not intended to be bound by its otherwise clear language. Thus, the 13th Amendment did not end slavery, but only nationalized it. The state is to have a monopoly on trafficking in slaves!

The Constitution: Expired yet?
"I was also looking forward to this opportunity to dispel some of the mythology surrounding myself and my fellow Founders-particularly the myth of our infallibility. You moderns have a tendency to worship at the altar of the Fathers. "The First Amendment is sacrosanct!" "We will die to protect the Second Amendment!" So dramatic. Do you know why we called them amendments? Because they amend! They fix mistakes or correct omissions and they themselves can be changed. If we had meant for the Constitution to be written in stone we would have written it in stone. Most things were written in stone back then, you know. I'm not trying to be difficult but it's bothersome when you blame your own inflexibility and extremism on us.

Not that we weren't awesome. We wrote the Constitution in the time it takes you nimrods to figure out which is the aye button and which is the nay. But we weren't gods. We were men. We had flaws. Adams was an unbearable prick and squealed girlishly whenever he saw a bug. And Ben Franklin? If crack existed in our day, that boozed-up snuff machine would weigh 80 pounds and live outside the Port Authority. And I had slaves. Damn, I can't believe I had slaves!"

                                                                                  By Thomas Jefferson.
                                                                                     From: America: The book

The Emancipation Proclamation...So debatable.
The Emancipation Proclamation didn't actually free any slaves because it related only to areas under the control of the Confederacy. The South broke away from the North, and President Lincoln couldn't make slave owners living in the Confederate States of America obey the Emancipation Proclamation. After the Civil War ended and the South became part of the United States again, the South had to obey Lincoln. The Emancipation Proclamation didn't include slaves in the border states and in some southern areas under the North's control, such as Tennessee and parts of Virginia and Louisiana. Although no slaves were actually freed by the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, it did lead to the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. The 13th Amendment became a law on December 18, 1865, and ended slavery in all parts of the United States.

The Emancipation Proclamation didn't free any slaves at the time it was issued. It was issued only because Lincoln told the South that if they didn't return to the Union by January 1, 1863, their slaves would be free. Lincoln didn't actually have the power to free the slaves in the South because it was not under his control. The Emancipation Proclamation wasn't issued just to help free the slaves, but to help the North win the war. Fortunately, this strategy worked and when the Civil War ended, the Emancipation Proclamation finally began to free slaves.

Are we free yet?
Today African Americans live in the illusion of freedom fueling this idea in their minds by different propaganda and slogans, from the national slogans such as the land of the free home of the brave, freedom isn't free, fight for freedom and democracy, 911 pic. Support our troops fighting for our freedom, to the Black people fascination by Abraham Lincoln and his declaration, calling him, "Great Emancipator" sounds a little bit like “ Terminator” of Slavery.

He is widely regarded as a champion of black freedom who supported social equality of the races, at least that's what the emancipation proclamation meant for Blacks, as naïve, as ignorant and transparent that they are, with the slave mentality, and a primitive state of mind they considered Lincoln their hero and Chanted freedom now and oh! Freedom, celebrating the passage to another stage of their low existence in the USA as slaves descendants, the passage forced by political constraints and war strategic necessities, the stage they call it freedom...Or they are freed, in the sense that there is no more bondage, no more slavery the old way, slavery the evil that divided the states and caused a horrible war, is now eradicated for a new modern America promoting freedom, equality, and justice for all.

Slavery residues impacts on the Black population
American society is characterized by the divergence racial of its composition, basically founded on a black and white core, and the remains of Native Americans, with a recent influx of immigrants from all the parts of the world, the basic demographic composition is more or less about 14% Hispanics, 13% Blacks and about 66% whites, those are estimations to give a global idea about the demographic structure of the US.

The historical figures who were most influential in emancipating the slave harbored racist attitudes toward the American Negro. Then as now, racism and humanitarianism coexisted.
While it is true that Lincoln regarded slavery as an evil and harmful institution, it is also true, that he shared the conviction of most Americans of his time, and of many prominent statesmen before and after him, that blacks could not be assimilated into white society. He rejected the notion of social equality of the races and held to the view that blacks should be resettled abroad. As President, he supported projects to remove blacks from the United States, where they can embrace the real freedom and be a person, not a state property.

African American, descendants of African slaves, now live in America as an intruder, as an incompatible element as an implanted organ in the nation's body that can't be rejected, yet it's not compatible, whites have to deal with the evil of slavery since they didn't take the chance to settle blacks somewhere else, now they are stuck with the evil of slavery, a population of Slaves descendants with the lowest IQ of the planet, that educational institution must lower their standards to accommodate them.
The struggle for equality, despite genetic limitations
Even though slavery in the United States ended with the enactment of the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865, the wounds inflicted by the “peculiar institution” are still being felt today. Current racial tensions even though invisible most of the time, can be attributed in part to the legacy of slavery. Blacks as an instinct of revenge and to avoid further discrimination, they start invading the white society obsessed by the integration and assimilation, handicapped by a wide cultural gap and the so negatively stereotyped look, they struggled in their quest, to a faster assimilation they will take the biologic shortcut, cross-breeding, it became an obsession of black men, the patriotic duty toward the African American community, Black men cross breed left and right, consensual or not the beast has to spread it' seeds, and it worked, a new category of slaves descendants, emerged; light-skinned African Americas, they look different, with a light complexion and different facial features, since they cross breed with all the races, yet the African slaves' genes and spirit are there, sure it made things easier to its quest for revenge, the new creature even though not white pass better than a pure race Black person, this explains the obsession of Black men with white females.

This factors along with different laws and bureaucratic procedures changed the reality of African Americans, and as a result, they are more populous, a large representation in every state, even though still outnumbered by whites, African American blacks friendly and other minority often taking the side of each other making Blacks a race that must be kept under control, and to avoid any racial tension, since it may lead to riots and a possible civil war.

Examples from History have shown that the Black race is easily offended, big riots exploded as a result of minor racial incidents, black panthers, and Malcolm X are credited by a serious try to impose the Black nationalism in America.
The scare of slavery, still alive in their soul
African Americans have not forgotten nor completely forgiven white Americans for the harsh treatment that their ancestors conflicted to the slaves. At the same time, some of the ancient prejudices and myths about slaves have been passed on to young white students by parents who cling to the idea of white racial superiority.
Whites are aware of the danger of an angry Black population, and of how African Americans can present a serious threat to the stability and the union of the states, yet, it's a part of America now, slavery is a part of American history and Slaves descendant are now an element of the society that must be kept under control, since the illusion of freedom, and the mirage of liberty created by the emancipation proclamation, Blacks are confused about their real situation, and they struggle for a better situation, since being slaves descendants is a stain that will affect their reality forever, sure everything seems to tend to prove blacks as free people, the different bureaucratic procedure, and laws stipulate equality regardless of color or race.

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance. This law is enforced by the Civil Rights Center.

Yet, laws been made exclusively to positively discriminate Black people and minority groups, stipulating an abuse of the Civil Rights act of 1964 which prohibit the use of color, race or national origin as a basis to change the standards used to accept individuals at certain programs and institutions, the affirmative action quotas and different kinds of government assistance made almost exclusively to push colored people forward because of their mental limitations are just a few examples of the race card used by African Americans and other colored, may be considered as a positive residue of slavery for their kind.

Slavery: The eternal race card:
Yet, these laws, for an unknown reason can't be considered a discrimination against the white race, sure whites founded the country and owned slaves, but these are modern days, things changed and minorities are growing, with a better representation on all levels of the society, whites middle class are collapsing into poverty.The reason for the existence of such laws, and that everybody looks the other way and ignore racial injustice called positive discrimination is because it is just that's a characteristic of the American society, that the controversial freedom of Blacks is in the center of this debate, it's called the "race card", it's played in every day's Black people's lives, doesn't matter if they misbehave and bother others, they disturb the public areas supposed to be civilized, by their savage primitive behavior, and they are immune, due to their history and to the fact that people, recently discovered that African Americans are different and it's just impossible to civilize them or to humanize their wild nature, as a result, the ethnic excuse or the race card is invoked in every situation or misconduct involving African Americans, since judging them for such behavior will cause a quasi chaos situation, because Black people natural behavior is just savage.

All these remarks are just an example of the cost of Slavery, and of the mistake of not settling Blacks somewhere else, since now they are the wild animal, the beast created by slavery white have to coexist and deal with. It is obvious that to reverse a process you must go back the steps originating this process, that's what happened with slavery, you don't use people for more than 400 years as slaves, and suddenly when the union of the state is at stake, you made the chantage: freedom for keeping the union, et voila the Slaves are freed, of course, divers abolitionist movement existed, it's the cost of keeping the union, and now they live as second class citizens or colored people, to gain their freedom black people must go back the steps led to their enslavement, a trip back to Africa, or to any other land other the land where they been enslaved for more than 400 years, is the logical rational way into the freedom of the body and the soul. staying in America is just ain't right, unless they have their own land or states specific to African Americans, they will never lose the status as slaves descendants since slavery is a part of American history and a past that hunt all Black American, talking about slavery reparation or June10th to celebrate the emancipation is just another way to keep the chains on their souls. Existing on another land may make a difference and give the status of free people, since they will deracinate from the slavery roots stuck on their ethnic group in the US as slaves descendants, Yet, again everything surrounding their existence says FREEDOM!

Celebrating June 10th: Freedom is always in the Horizons
But are they really free? sure they can go anywhere they want they can own property, they get a paid job, Yet, something is not right.

American had no choice, after the civil war and the emergence of America as a modern nation, they had to be given a status that will not damage the image of America in the world as a free democratic nation.
While in fact, they are a constraint that America has to deal with, with no other option, the different laws and programs favorizing Blacks and facilitating African American integration are just a way to keep them under control, since as cited before, they are capable of causing substantial damages, if provoked in a racial way, it's like if they are the spoiled handicap baby the parents have to care for yet incapable of getting rid of, they are a US property, they exist in the illusion of freedom, to tell the truth, seen by the exterior world, the superficiality of their freedom is evident, an in-depth look into their history and into American History may shed some light on the reality of African American situation as the last slaves' descendants on the planet earth.

Freedom Ain't Free?! They say in America, Confusing.
Freedom is an misused, miss understood word in America, and as stupid as Americans are, they just keep on using it in any appropriate and inappropriate occasion and sentence, while in fact, it's a propaganda lanced by the elite enslaving their ass, fighting for freedoms, they try to steal our freedom, Americans use the word freedom in any and every sentence related to politics, if you ask any American any question about politics, the answer will automatically include the word freedom, we are fighting in Iraq for our freedom, support our troops fighting in Afghanistan for our freedom, the word freedom is just used without knowing it's real meaning and it's implanted in American minds that some people are trying to take their freedoms away, even they use it in plural, freedoms... maybe as cited at the first amendment, like freedoms of religion, speech, press, petition, and assembly, but it makes no sense, talking about Freedoms overseas, and people from overseas trying to steal their freedom, the obsessions of the nation built on slavery, since it's the latest nation to own slaves in modern times, of course we are talking about institutionalized slavery, since slaves exist in a form or another in the world.

They got a scare related to slavery, so they went blind to use freedom in every sentence to, they think, makes them sound intelligent and a civilized nation, and wipe out the scare of slavery from their history. In reality, like cited before, the whole nation is mentally enslaved and brainwashed by the Zionist beast, which occupies their government, serving unknown purposes beyond the natural rise of an empire, in fact, America as an empire is special, 

“America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in-between". 
                                                                                                                Oscar Wilde.

Liberia, Where freedom bee aat
So, there is a lot going on beyond the status of Liberty and the White house.
The American Colonization Society, organized Dec. 1816–Jan. 1817, at Washington, D.C., transported free blacks from the United States and settled them in Africa. A country was founded called Liberia. The first American colonists settled on the Grain Coast of Africa in 1822. The settlers considered calling the settlement "Liberia" because they came in search of liberty. The capital city was named Monrovia in honor of the man who financed the exploration - President James Monroe.

Lincoln on Racial Equality:
I am not now, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social or political equality of the white and black races. I am not now nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor of intermarriages with white people. There is a physical difference between the white and the black races which will forever forbid the two races living together on social or political equality. There must be a position of superior and inferior, and I am in favor of assigning the superior position to the white man.

                                                            Lincoln in his speech to Charleston, Illinois, 1858

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