Monday, April 8, 2024

Negros negarive influence

This post will be presenting more arguments to support the fact of the negative influence of Negros on white milieux, besides anthropology and the partially evolved state as a direct natural factor contributing in shaping negros physical characteristics, mental abilities, and violent or immoral behavior, slavery contributed more or less in defining today's Negros socioeconomic situation and the formation of their post emancipation reality in a world that never experienced such atrocities. 

A Shift in the core of American values.

The speculation about the enslaved spirit reigning on Americans and as a part of the "initial founding American spirit" that is tending to disappear and to be replaced by the emerging, fast growing, and resulting of the cross-breeding and the invasion of Blacks of all the aspects of American life.  Those speculations are founded on solid arguments and they are proved true each day passing by, the ridiculous way Americans act, their gross appearance and the degree of their stupidity are just an explanation of the evil,  voir primitive spirit reigning in America.
The partially evolved being is sure alive inside Negros body, their soul has nothing of human, and their spirit is brought from the daknesd if Africa, this combination of primitive form of life and evil spirit have been infesting all aspects of life in America, the overall western world, and it is spreading to all the socioeconomic classes.

Observing Negro behavior and physiology give a great proof of the animal instincts prevailing on the nature of Black people.

Negros cultural invasion

Negros poison the society and the milieu where they exist through their backwarded and savage, almost animal-like life style. Hearing "Slang Drugs" "Rob Dat Nigga" and” Fuck Bitches All night", will make the society sick in the head sooner or later. This kind of behavior is ingested in the mind of Americans through the so a la mode hip hop culture promoted by an media advocating the blacks integration and an all "homogenous/Black infested society", as a result the American mentality and culture is not only strongly influenced and manipulated by the presence of the Blacks in all the levels of the society, the overall American culture is derived from the black mentality and the hip hop culture, it’s like you can’t talk about American culture without invoking the hip hop and black culture, in fact that’s the culture that USA broadcast in the world, that’s how America is represented worldwide.

Sure watching institution like MTV and BET present the Black race as successful and melting in the society, a happy society, advocating that image by invoking multiculturalism as a progression of the society by the elites, has its reasons, often explained by the Right to the pursuit of happiness, even if it means looking and acting like a jackass. Sure Negros influence on the society is beyond the natural achievement (vector) but the reality of the Black race in USA has nothing to do with the main stream media, the black race is the dysfunctional member that have to be amputated for a healthier nation but with a Zionism infeated political system, now they are talking about slavery reparation, thats how far the left brainwashing went.

Slow and steady replacement of locals values

In real life the influence of Blacks on the society is more or less evident depending on the intensity of the exposition to Negro harm or like some wants to call it the Coontact, Negros are very influential and they change mentalities and attitudes, they infiltrate all levels of the society, from all backgrounds and ages, all, boosted by an media promoting Negros integration and advocating Black people lifestyles as an cultural revolution and often associating it with the American culture and identity, reminder America is a rootless culture, and the only civilization Americans know is the Europeans civilization, some talk about American culture as an perversion of the European one, as a result, Negros behavior is very tolerated and often is associated with the American cultural revolution, typical Negro Behavior includes smoking crack, robbing, raping, murdering, crotch grabbing, staying unemployed, surviving on free shit, It also includes breeding in excessive level for financial gains, to get more welfare, and it’s often more of an investment than an spontaneous contraception, often we have single black moms prostitutes to get more cash in addition to welfare, the father often left or in jail having sex with other men, brief Negros have no sense of what is like to be human. 

Negros situation as slavery residues 

Slavery ended in 1865, followed by reconstruction, which ended in 1877. Freed slaves, who had spent their lives being told what to do and were conditioned to react rather than initiate thought, were left to their own devices to face “freedom”. African American scholar Michael Eric Dyson states, “The effect of slavery continues to exert its brutal influence in the untold sufferings of millions of everyday folk”. He continues by saying that slavery is responsible for the high level of black residential separation from Whites today.

In “The Ethnic Myth”, Stephen Steinberg writes, “ghettos are nothing less than the shameful residue of slavery.” Many scholars blame slavery for the pathologies in the Black community such as homelessness, single-parent households, and youth violence. Views that are more radical claim, “Slavery is a constant reminder of what whites in America might do.” There is a belief that slavery stole their African culture.

While these arguments have merit, there are equally strong arguments that say that the opposite is true and camaraderie is a direct result of slavery. This segment of the population argues that African heritage was passed on, through the generations as one form of rebellion against the oppression brought on by slavery. These scholars would say that the Black culture today is a blend of African and European influences compiled with the adaptations necessitated by slavery resulting in a rich culture of religion, music, family, and art. It is a fact that African American culture has influenced White culture in many ways.

It cannot be disputed that slavery has affected the American culture today, both Black and White. The dispute remains on defining that effect and how to address this issue.

Cultural invasion of Negros

One of the important cultural invasion of Blacks or African American is the RAP music, Rap has rotted Americans brains. Negros have destroyed all moral accountability. Negro always talking about "all da bitches wantz muh dik" and how he "treet dem bitchez" and all that other Negro nonsense, in fact it’s solidly founded on historical and todays facts, the fascination of white females with the black males trace its roots back to the slavery time and sexual encounters started in the plantations long before the “so called” Emancipation” today, interracial sex, is a life style and an bedrock in the American infrastructure.

As a result a new social category been implanted in the American society texture, it’s the Negros friendly, the Negros lovers aka the coalburners, and as an extreme cultural influences the Wiggers.

Wiggers, when racial appropriation kicks in

Wigger is a pejorative slang term for a white person who emulates mannerisms, language, and fashions associated with African-American culture, particularly hip hop culture. The term is considered derogatory, reflecting stereotypes of African-American.

Wiggers are considered by some sarcasms as a new evolutionary specie: (Homo Sapien Niganderthal Whitus), their mating habits, their survival strategies, and their urban and suburban habitats are specific to their kind.

The highest living standard and most happiness Negros have ever achieved was when they were slaves in the old south. They had everything taken care of for them, suitable quarters to live in, three square meals every day, and someone to watch over them. Life was good and many Negro ex-slaves said so when they were interviewed many years ago. Slavery wasn't like it is portrayed in the movies. Slaves were very expensive and their owners knew that in order to get the most work out of them they would have to treat them decently and make sure they were healthy and reasonably happy. Otherwise, they would run off or try to kill their owners.

Negros "arrogance infused self entitlement" is self-destruction. 


Negros need to have enough brain cells to comprehend their utter inferiority to Whites and realize just how worthless, destructive, and ignorant they really are. Upon realizing this, they can either drown themselves in booze, drugs, and criminality, or become uppity Negros.

Today, most of Americans mentality is just an deformed mirror reflect of Negros typical behavior, the Wiggermania is spreading, the Negros friendly, lovers and the coalburners are taking over by thousands, cross breeding with Negros make the hybrid specie sliding to the majority in the demographic sheme, what they have in common; they have enough Negros blood, genes and influence in them to guarantees an eminent chaos and anarchy in the future.

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