Friday, August 2, 2024

Retrospective on Slavery in the Americas.

The Transatlantic Slave Trade not only shaped North American but South America as well. It was the European expansion of what was considered by them to be the New World that fueled the necessity for cheap inexhaustible labor. Europeans (In particular the Spanish and Portuguese) were not unfamiliar with the Slave trade industry. They were well aware of the enslavement of African by Arabs and knew that in order to get the man power required to build a nation they would need to somehow enter the slave trade industry created by the Arabs. 

Once the Spain and Portuguese acquired African slaves for the expansion of South and Central America it was only a matter time that the British and French joined the slave trade movement. The Dutch and Belgians colonized and enslaved Africans in their home land. The French did this as well. 

For the White North Americans slavery became such a lucrative industry in the southern states of America that the southern states formed a Confederacy. The unequal division of wealth caused the country to split causing the civil war. In an attempt to unify the nation and end the war President Lincoln abolished slavery and freed the African slaves. Many people see this as a move of morality but it was in fact a move of economics and national security. 

By then many industries had been founded and were running quite successfully be way of forced slave labor. This was obviously advantageous for the White powers that be in America. However for the African words can not adequately describe what they endured. Most people associate slavery with physical bondage. However this was not the case with Africans. For example the Biblical bondage of the Israelites by the Egyptians may have been a physical bondage however the Israelites retained their traditions, their heritage and their identity. After they were freed by the Pharaoh their next logically course of action was to depart the land of their oppressors and seek their own land. 

This can not be said about the African. Systematic he was broken to the point of being no more than a domesticated animal. Horses that don't know that they are suppose to roam and run free will cling to a master and come to depend on their master for their very survival. This is because these horses don't they are horses nor do they know the ways of horses. Therefore these creatures have no identity other than that to serve a master. 

The is what the African Slave went through. In fact it suffices to say the that progeny of these African Slaves know about as much about themselves as the man in the moon. Africans in American lost their identity long ago. Because of this the African doesn't know his native tongue nor does he know where to begin to learn it. Everything that he sees that is associated with his homeland is negative an foreign. The religion of his ancestors is considered evil to him. His traditions and customs are backward and inferior. Even his physical appearance is not pleasing to his sight. 

Therefore the lost children of Africa reject their blackness and make every effort to become equal to or to become White. At one time Black men and Black women straightened their hair to look White. This still happens with Black women even through she won't admit that straightening and processing her hair has it roots in looking White. Black men and Black women practiced color-ism. Black men of a certain generation would actively seek mixed raced or fair skinned black women to marry and have children with until the Black man could openly take a White women as has bride. This was in a since the ultimate statement of arrival in succeeding to transcend blackness and to be on equal status with the White man in his world. 

These things may go under a different name or have different reasoning today but the ideology was still born out of self hatred by Black people. Black people still have chains on their brains. Meaning we are still trying desperately to measure up the White standard instead of creating our own standard. Many of us are convinced that a multicultural desegregated society is the best possible way of life despite the fact that what is really happening is there are multiple races and cultures being ruled and governed ultimately by the White way of life. 

Disgruntled White people about the success of Black people within the society they built for themselves need look no further than White the powers that be for fault. It is for their purposes that things are the way they are. America needs minorities not just for cheap labor but for justifiable over-taxation of it's citizens. For example; Their is no greater fear for a White then for a Black gang member to invaded his home and violate his women. Or for him too find out his pure White daughter has been deflowered and impregnated by a Black man in the image of Lil Jon or DMX or any of the rap artist that exude Hip Hop culture. Via the media these images are place in heads of White people daily. Therefore they appeal to politicians for more law enforcement and harsher penalties. This ultimately means more taxes. Since there is no itemization or a way to account for how our tax money is spent the end result of over-taxation. So as we see the average White middle class citizen is also a victim of White Supremacy. 

So just briefly we see how slavery rooted in economic oppression has and is still evolving into new ways that the White Supremacist powers the be are bleeding not just Black people and other Minorities but middle class White people dry with a false reality that is essentially eternal servitude.

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