Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Introducing ChingChong4

ChingChong4 is the entity that represent funny face specie aka Chinese or Chinos in usa since they provide an great amount of cheap labor to America just the same way as Mexicans, and they just dont want to accept it, that's an historical fact since the Chinese slaves in gold mine, railroad workers and Chinese slaves/prostitutes to present day of Chinese human trade worldwide...

ChingChong4 is an low despicable, pathetic spirit, it represent all the devil incarnated in the funny face specie, all the sufferance the difference, the inferiority, the none acceptance that funny face specie felt since the globalization of the world economy is now fighting back trough the ChingChong4 spirit, ChingChong4 spirit has an dangerous weapon...the funny face population. 1 in 5 persons in the planet earth is Chino ( remark..I use the term Chino's an reference of the Funny face specie statute in usa the same way as Mexicans.... and of course they wont accept it ...)

ChingChong4 use the human power of these low existence funny faces to achieve it's eternal goal of acceptance, integration and equality in the global wold, ChingChong4 tries to wipe out all the negativity related to it's specie and as despicable as it is, it will try to deflect all the funny and weird stuff related to funny face specie to other races....Let's just say it's often desperate but ChingChong4 as pathetic as it is keep on trying...

The CCP (chinese communist party) is an evil organ selon Chinos who fled prosecution and torture along with extreme poverty to embrace the western life styles...

ChingChong4 is as evil as the CCP if not an continuation, extension or complementation of this malefique form of existence that is the funny faces specie, we talking communism here as an economic regime, with ChingChong4 it goes beyond the Marxism it reaches an etat d'esprit of total devotion and global action on concordance of the goals of ChingChong4 to integrate, assimilate and get accepted in the modern western world...
ChingChong4 is an pervert spirit (the perversion of funny faces is well known world wide). It will use it's females, males and even it's kids and babies in an inappropriate, indecent voir vulgaire way to achieve it goals and it has an hole arsenal of bodies for use.

This site/blog a pour but to bring up ChingChong4 au surface, to expose the funny face malefique spirit reigning all over the world trough these low forms of existence aka Chinos..

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