Friday, June 1, 2012

M. TaMere old Quotes

Le Glorieux M. TaMere, in 2002, lanced the slogan: "Let's Pick up Niggers", mocking the practice of American girls to get a drivers licence ASAP to go around picking up Niggers from Ghetto area for some sexual adrenaline rush caused by the BBC, which a White man will never procure, Stupid American Spirit (SAS) -which will presented later on-, got enraged, some secrets at the Core of the American structure were never supposed to be uncovered necessarily by TaMere Network due to its nature of mocking and uncovering the superficial and perverted nature of the American empire. 
And here we go, SAS, got hysterical, as always and in an extension to its politic mediatique of mass brainwashing of Pigs composing the evil empire, a desperate manoeuvre been going on since then to undo or deflect the attention about this part of American culture,  whitch is related and a consequence of American History and slavery risiues in the society, as making up for forcing a whole race to pick up cotton for more that 400 years, Now, they Pick them up from Ghetto areas for some steamy original slavery reparation, Americans; they will never stop surprising you!
Different scenarios been made by the SAS using all the dead-brain corpses at it disposition, in a way to trie to convince TaMere Network that.... 
"The American Flag is not Red, White and Blue"
..As always it was in vain.
Testimony of a Black man in NYC

"You really don't know your history as a white man. In colleges and universities all fine white girls getting Black meat. Do you think for one minute that sexy attractive white women are going to let fat white women have all the fun! We are tagging fine white girls in college, we get more than white guys, even if we sleep with the same white woman, you are limited with your smallness, not us we go deep and white women LOVE it. You are not going deep enough thats why she wants the black penis, it goes deep and she feels something with us she can never get from you. FYI wealthy white women in Harlem during the 20's and 30's and even today would pay to have a Black Man give it to them. Just deal with it white males wish God had endowed them as he did us Black males. Oh yes we go deep in white women. Think about it your mother, and sister, and one day your daughter will crave that Big Black Penis!!!! "

Antohony for President.
"Let's Pick up Niggers" 
M. TaMere
TaMere Network 
Founder and President
The History of America, slavery and the disparities social created between the Black and white classes as a normal
consequence, necessarily, the unemployment submerging the Black class, and the gap in income between black and
white, those conditions created an practice in America, that is may be classified as a ritual specific to the American
society, and as a way to get over the racial tension in the society, it is the- facto a part of the American culture
created by some constraints, mostly slavery reparation:

Since the 1920, white women would drive into black ghetto area and pick up unemployed 
Niggers for some greater sexual gratification.
As the society evolved, this practice been expanding and forming a part of American
 Culture, just like watching football, the extension of this practice reached the point of 
that; even white men driving into ghetto areas, in search for some BBC to suck.

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