Thursday, December 13, 2012

Deep inside Ghetto people's soul.

Abstract from:
People of Color aka Second Class Citizens:
History, Reality and Perspectives.
By Mr. Core.
Ghetto people as presented before are an extension of the segregation era and a part of the slavery residues in the society: ghetto areas, projects, states housing are areas inhabited mostly with African slaves descendants and Taino remains descendants infused with el Conquistador genes; known as Puerto Ricans, lets go back through history, to find out the roots of this marginal entity called ghetto people.
Ghetto people created an entity and a world on their own, they got their own language and way to speak, their own fashion, their own vocabulary, their own habits and practice, their own employment and educational standards, their own rules and in general their own life style.

Ghetto people represent the lowest form of life that exist in America, as slavery residue, ghetto areas may be compared to modern days plantation, ghetto people mind is so primitive, banal and naïve and it is limited to basic instincts like hunger, thirst, drugs, sex, appearance and procreation.

Ghetto people can’t exist without white assistance, they can’t earn and deserve an income, other than drugs and prostitution, the government has to guide any and every of their steps since basically their intelligence is like a mentally challenged kid.
The perversion of ghetto people is beyond imagination, Negros and Boricua both host the evil monkey spirit-which will be presented later on_ So, other than drugs and food ghetto people main concern is sex, it is so perverted in ghetto areas that down low, the homo-sexual practice of strait, often family men, is a ghetto people life style and it is greater than their modest, low comprehension that it is gay sex, their machismo make them act and self-proclaim strait in public. 
Ghetto people got no identity nor culture other than the retarded life style related to ghetto area, which means you are an ignorant parasite if not a mentally challenged person, ghetto people as a result mimic everything they think it’s smart and linked to themselves, they may repeat the same stuff  hundreds of times by reformulating the sentences and changing the order of the words and expect to sound smart at all the times.
If confronted with a higher intelligence, their ton change into a menacing way and vulgarity and e aggressive attitude quickly replace the menacing ton and it is no surprise that soon the animal inside them will take over and it will end up with a physical confrontation.
Ghetto people language is unique to ghetto area and it’s a composite of words based on the English language but got nothing to do with proper English.

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