This post goes into the series of "The African Americans Issue". It is a reflection of Negros or the African people typical behavior on their ancestry and the prevailing of animal like instinct in their attitude and its repercussions on modern Humans mieux that they are so obsessed to invade since they can't be self-sufficient or probably because it is the prophecy presented long time ago about the final battle between Good and Evil or Divine Human beings and Satan vassals, the talk about the fight of good and Evil, bien entendue, won't be as in the movies incarnated in physical concretization but through demographics, as God infused Divinity in modern Humans, Satan or Evil will have to find vassals that fit into Earth environment, those simply are partially evolved or diversified populations for they did not reach the optimal evolutionary stage to claim their humanity, and trying to lead them to the right path is a lost cause, they just act like if they being enlightened from a subordination situation because "the food is good".
Understanding the evolution theory, for a better perception of Black people’s behavior and situation.
Anthropological background
The modern theory concerning the evolution of man proposes that humans and apes derive from an apelike ancestor that lived on earth a few million years ago. The theory states that man, through a combination of environmental and genetic factors, emerged as a species to produce the variety of ethnicities seen today, while modern apes evolved on a separate evolutionary pathway. Evolution is not an exact science and it’s very controversial and the paleontologist findings used to justify theories about human evolution are in constant changes. The migration of the Homo-Erectus out of Africa caused the speciation of Homo-Sapiens from its ancestor, and in Africa the Homo- Erectus stagnated in its early stage or evolved to a less developed stage forming the Black race or African people.
Exposing blind racism
That explains the tendency of the Black race to be compared to apes or chimpanzees, in fact it is pure blind racism, it is more an insinuation about their lower IQ, physical characteristics, under-development of mental abilities, tendency to be violent and prevailing of animal instincts in their overall behavior, than to state that they are monkeys or animals, it is well known that all humans are created equal, sure descended from the great ape, but they advanced to different evolutionary stages causing an unequal levels of development which consequently affected their physical and mental aptitudes, often associating Africans with monkeys is to express either their different physical characteristics, savage behavior, or lower IQ.
Conséquences on typical Negros behavior
This fact will be used for the rest of this analysis of the African race situation in America and globally in the world, the negative impact they have on the society and the destructive effect they exerce (french) on any milieu they invade, in the sense of perverting the locals' morals, spreading lawlessness and anarchy by their tendency to have no distinction between right and wrong because of the prevailing of primitive instincts on their overall attitude, the effects of such invasion of primitive genes of white milieux on the long term is a total destruction of the modern human built infrastructure and locals end up more of a zombies form of life than human beings as we've seen in Detroit or Philadelphia, and recently London and NYC to not cite just very few affected large metropolitan areas.
Destructive natutr of Negros
Based on the limitations inflected on the African race by the constraints caused by a state of partial evolution, an essay of understanding the special status of the African race and as a consequence the special measures that have to be taken, since the impact and the influence of Negros are obviously causing an imminent deterioration of all the values of Human societies is broadcasted via the MSM, Negros destructive nature caused by a partially evolved stage is to blame and, beyond Negros fucked up existence as a parasite form of life feeding on the host milieu resources because they didn't evolve and consequently they can't be self-sufficient, create their own resources, or recognizable achievements as Human beings, all they do is survive on Western aids, invade the Western world, or survive as a marginal form of lie if they settled in Humans world long enough as in America, the negative influence of Negros on all the aspects of Human life is visible to the naked eye.
Evolutionary deficit induce animals instincts
Negros aka African people are often compared to animals, because of the prevailing of animals instincts in their overall behavior, it goes as dark as saying that they got pubic hair on their head, because they are so perverted and think sex 24/7 of course that's an exageraion, they always have sex in mind because that’s how they integrate modern human milieus and improve their primitive traits.
Negros are compared to a promitive form if life because of their wild nature and lack of modern humans reasoning, they know no morals, as such, they have no concept of decency, they have no idea, how modern society works. Negros judge everything and everyone by the standards of an animal pack, where the animal with biggest penis is apparently the king. Male Negros thus very commonly refer to their sexual organs as "muh dikk" and will refer to its size no matter the circumstances. They know full well they are absolutely NO match for humans in intelligence and ingenuity, so they attempt to counter it by bringing humans down to their level, with measuring things such as muscles, aggressiveness and size of penis.
The sad truth about Negros
Negros aka Africans are a great menace to the society and to the people that exist in an Negros infested environment …Negros aka African wherever they exist they bring destruction, ignorance, lawlessness and perversion, Negros destroy families and societies by their perversion, Negros are criminals and rapist, that’s embedded their nature inherited from their archaic genes they inherited, they rob, kill and rape as an natural behavior derived from a survival instinct without feeling that it’s wrong or feeling any guilt or remorse.
Negros are evil, they are "talking" primitive form of life, they are the missed link between the Homo-Erectus and modern humans, or to simplify they are a partially evolved modern humans, the Homo-erectus stuck in a primitive evolutionary stage.
Consequences of Negros existence amongst humans
All these facts about Negros physical and mental traits, created an issue that only people existing away from Negros harmful influence and perversion can experience, Since people coexisting with Negreos are mostly to get used to Negreos typical behavior i.e. perversion, savagism and the prevailing of primitive instincts, and they tend to themselves embrace such a behavior and even lifestyle, they are exhibiting a typical Negros behavior embedded in a human being appearance, they have been blacked or Niggerized, adapting to Negros influence, they start acting like Negros, their soul have been invaded by the spirit of the wild ape all the way from the darkness of Africa.
Adaptation to Negros influence
Negros exerce great effects on their surroundings as we've seen above, those people end up submitted to Negros influence and lose any humanity in them, they are known as Negros friendly, Negros lovers, going to the extreme case of Wiggers, they are from different backgrounds and racial groups, their common point, they got trapped under the negative influence of a partially evolved form of life, now they are barely human and they host the spirit of a prehistoric entity, the evil wild primates spirit characterizing Negros behavior and attitude, in a perpetual quest for revenge of humanity for all those years stuck in Africa in a quasi primitive state, finally released from the darkness of Africa to find humanity in all it’s development and prosperity, while it was stuck in a primitive state and it will be treated like an animal during all slavery years, as a natural animalistic instinct, it thinks that the humanity owes them something or that their partial evolution is the humanity fault, it vowed revenge and as a natural bestial instinct it’s first target is white women which explain the obsession of Negros with white females and their eternal quest for the white vagina as the easiest way to catch up the humanity locomotive of development and evolution, unable to evolve naturally, the short cut is cross-breeding and it works; light skinned Negros from all backgrounds are everywhere.
The US masses, white looking Negros "by appropriation"
Sure they look normal (thick and stupid), but they are hosting the spirit, the evil spirit brought from the darkness of Africa, where it has been locked for hundreds of thousands of years, somebody is obsessed with freedom? As the evil spirit is reigning in America after it been on the loose post the emancipation proclamation, dispersed and infested all the demographic groups and racial classes through Negros seeds.
American mentality shifted to a perversion of what it was, Americans are just some kind of brainwashed zombies, repeating the same melody of praise for Negros existence out of the plantations (they freed them lol), as a consequence the term "freedom" is often included without making any sense, from affluent people to the minimum wage workers, most of national slogans and politicians speeches are revolving about “freedom".
Freedom, the eternal issue
Negros, necessarily in the US, and worldwide by racial appropriation are suffering from an eternal obsession and paranoia about the concept of freedom, reaching the ridiculous stage that it’s been used in any appropriate (even if it is only invoked in USA in those modern days) since there is no major imperialist conquest, other than the enslavement of the American people by the elites and all kinds of secret societies operating in the background of the political system) and inappropriate way, the masses in American been stupid, ignorant, superficial arrogance, pretencieux and into a lot of exhibition, use the term freedom in all their "soit disant" intelligent discours , in fact when they are confused, unable to understand a situation,the freedom term is used to brainwash the masses, since it is a sensitive issue due the history of America and African Americans, into a fake cause while in reality, enslaving their mind.