Robin Cook
Those are the passages I liked in Vector, the book by Robin Cook, had to hand write them from the paper book, then type them, because there in no digital version online, a real corvée , but it damn worth it..
The abstracts are in italic and my notes and remarks are in regular bold text, the passages comment themselves, some times I will shed the light or explain, what's all is about...Enjoy :)
Book Summary
New York City cab driver Yuri Davydov is a disgruntled Russian émigré poised to lash out at the adoptive nation he believes has denied him the American Dream. A former technician in the Soviet biological weapons system, Biopreparat, Yuri possesses the knowledge to wreak havoc in his new home. But before he executes his planned pièce de résistance of vengeance, he experiments first on his suspicious live-in girlfriend, then on a few poor-tipping fares....
Dr. Jack Stapleton and Dr. Laurie Montgomery (both last seen inChromosome 6) begin to witness some unusual cases in their capacity as forensic pathologists in the city's medical examiner's office: a young, healthy black woman dies of respiratory failure, a Greek immigrant succumbs to a sudden, overwhelming pneumonia. At the same time, the pair are pressured from above to focus on a high-profile string of suspicious deaths of prisoners in police custody. When an unexpected breakthrough persuades Jack that these seemingly unrelated deaths are really connected murders, his colleagues and superiors are skeptical. Only Laurie is somewhat convinced. But the question soon becomes whether the pair will solve the puzzle before Yuri unleashes into the streets of New York the ultimate terror: a modern bioweapon.
With signature skill, Robin Cook has crafted a page-turning thriller rooted in up-to-the-minute biotechnology. Vector is all-too-plausible fiction at its terrifying best.

3 main personages:
Yuri the Russian from SverdLovsk.
Curt skin head from Brooklyn, nothing to do with NYC skin head faggot roaming all around...
Tim, initiated Curt on the matter.
Connie, a Negra, Yuri's wife.
The Medical examiner, which is ignored in these abstracts.
“The whole Goddamn mess is illegal,
oppressive, and unconstitutional”.
“There is only one solution. The US
Government has to be overthrown by force of arms, there is no other way, and
it’s got to be soon, because the Zionist are getting stronger everyday”
“The Holocaust is A Zionist Myth and
down with the Zionist Occupied Government.
U.S Government was far more perverse and more dangerous than it’s imagined.
“Plan operation revenge”
“ something huge like this
happening here in NYC is bound to start the general revolt . It’s going
to make what happened in Oklahoma City seem like a childish prank”
“He just wanted to severely slap the
U.S across it’s smug face. Any Glory he might achieve he’d gladly donate to the
Zhirinovsky movement and the return of the Soviet Empire”
“With Tiny reading glasses teetering on
the end of a bulbous nose”
“For what he had in mind to do in NYC,
he didn’t want there to be any warning”
“Now it was only a question of
producing adequate amounts of the agents and dispersing them.”
“This is going to be a perfect operation”
“The largest FBI office outside of FBI
Headquarters in D.C is in here. Just thinking about it gives goose bumps. It’s
going to be pay back big time for Ruby Ridge”
“The Government is going to get the
message” “have no fear about that”
“Like Yuri not being content just to
knock out the Jacob Javits Federal Building. He wanted to do a simultaneous
lay-down in Central park so that the second agent would blow over the entire
upper est side. Curt thought that doing the Feds building was more than enough,
but Yuri had been adamant".
“So it's true that Botulinum bacteria
and Anthrax bugs are in dirt particularly in lives stock areas in the
through his mind that Yuri might do his central park lay Down and leave them
high and dry."
a Russian. They've hated our guts for seventy years."
the time he'd been rather desperate. His visa was about to run out. Marriage to
a US citizen seemed his only option"
had initially been attracted to Connie separately from his necessity to obtain
a green card."
known no Negros as he’s growing up in SverdLovsk but had seen them on
television, particularly in sporting events, and was duly impressed."
the same time Yuri began to learn about American racism, which initially
confused him, since he'd assumed African Americans would be held in high
esteem for their cultural contributions. He'd never heard the term
"Nigger" until he and Connie were accosted on the street."
called him a "honky" witch he learned was as derogatory as
nigger’s media.
"For Yuri, marriage to solve the green card issue."
"Connie even caught sights of large stainless steel
drums being carried by white trash "honky" Skinhead youths. Such
people terrified Connie and she made sure they didn't see her"
"Carelessly discarded French fried potato along with a
small smear of ketchup. “Connie
“Besides, she couldn't care less what we're saying; she just
eats and watches TV"
It was driving him crazy. All that fake laughter suggesting
life here in America is so funny and wonderful."
"A message that might save the Goddamn Country".
"A border brigade". An armed border brigade. You
see the regular Border patrols who are supposed to be protecting this country
from Illegal Aliens are not doing their job. Hell, the Mexican border just ten
freaking miles away is like a giant sieve."
"yes, really" Tim said mocking Curt's
response" I'm telling you, this is a serious situation, you and I and the
rest of our Aryan brothers and sisters are soon going to be minority around
"Yeah, hey, you'd better wake up" It's happening,
this country is on the brink of being taken over by Niggers, Spics, Slanty-eyes
and Queers. It's going to be up to people like you and me if our God fearing,
self-reliant culture is to survive where people work for a living and Queers
stay in the closet. I tell you, not only are these other races seeping in here
like water through a sponge, but they are reproducing like flies. This one hell
of a problem, we just can’t sit around on our asses any more. If we do, we only
have ourselves to blame."
"Weapons are not a problem." “I’ve got a Goddamn
arsenal in my basement, including fully automatic MI's, machine pistols, scoped
sniper rifles, and Glocks. I even got uniforms for us, cause I already got
about ten navy guys involved, we've already been on patrol."
"What do you do with them once you catch them; turn them
over to the border patrol?"
"if we did that they'd
be back the next night. The border patrol's idea of interdiction is to slap their wrists, scold them, and then
turn them loose."
"We shoot them and bury them" "that way, it's
over and done. There is no second chance."
The idea of shooting illegal aliens was both arousing and
scary at the same time.
Book: Blood and Honor.
"Holly Crap!" I got two wetbacks in my sight. I can’t
believe it.
"Both bodies had small entrance holes on their
foreheads, but were missing large chunks of scalp in the back, the ground in
the area was sprinkled with bits and pieces of brain."
"You killed a couple of wetbacks illegal Aliens"
You did your country a favor. "Jesus!" "The Mexicans eyes were
still open and they were staring at him".
=> True believers Christian Church/Christian Identity
It's a church that has used the bible to prove that we white
Anglo-Saxons are the true descendants of the lost tribe of Israel. All other races are spawns of
Satan or mud people, like these Spics here."
"The fact of matter is that you've done God's work
tonight, soldier".
"The Zionist occupied
Government doesn't want you to know about it. They keep it out of the schools,
out of the newspapers, and off the TV; all of which they control. The reason is
that they want to neutralize us by diluting us genetically."
"It's a ZOG conspiracy. They don’t
even want kids to learn the term because encouraging miscegenation is the most
insidious sin of all that ZOG is guilty of. And to God it's abomination.
It's Satan attempt to do away with
God's chosen people. It's Holocaust in reverse."
"Not only are you married,
but you are married to a Nigger woman".
"I needed a green
"but, you should not have
married a Black woman,!"
"Marrying between the races, particularly
when one member is white is against God's word."
"The federal building is
going to make a much bigger statement against the government, and it's going to
get at least six or seven thousand people."
"But, it's only government
people" "I want to strike just as much against the fake American
culture, particularly those Jewish businessmen and bankers who've caused all
the economic turmoil in Russia today."
"This is a rootless
culture" people are supposed to be free, but they are not. They are all
scrambling for status and identity. We Slavs, may have had some trouble down
through history, but at least we know who we are."
"There are no Civilians in my
war." "That's why i want the lay down in central park. With a proper
wind Vector, it will take out a large swath of the City, I'm talking about
hundreds of thousands of casualties or even millions, not thousands, that's a
weapon of mass destruction is supposed to do. Hell, for your narrow objectives
you could use a regular old bomb.
Unfortunately the security guard
happened to be African American, and he shouted "Nigger!" At the Guard, who was unarmed and smashed him
over the head as hard as he could with a heavy duty plumber's Wrench. The man's
head squashed like an uncooked egg."
"They were a mixed
couple". One a pale face, the other was a Nigger, and the bastards were
holding hands."
Polymerase chain a reaction:
"It's a way of augmenting a
tiny piece of DNA so that, it can be analyzed"
His lips continued to twit that he
was not enthralled about Jack's efforts, but he stayed silent. At least until
Jack's scalpel flashed the bright fluorescent light.