Showing posts with label African. Show all posts
Showing posts with label African. Show all posts

Monday, January 11, 2021

Advance Homo Erectus/Archaic Homo Sapiens: The African Race.

"Racists" are speaking truth to power, and they are the bravest people in our society today."
Source: Anonymous on the web, all credit to the OP,  Edited and Illustrated by Franco TaMere, 

Anthropological Background
According to accepted science, homo sapiens fully evolved in Africa 200,000 years ago. 100,000 years ago, a small group of Africans headed north. This small group inhabited the rest of the world. This group was already unique, in that it alone had the intrepidity and determination to spread out and conquer the world. That group, which became the Caucasoid and Mongoloid races, has been evolving under extremely different, more challenging environments for the last 100,000 years. 100,000 years is quite long in biologic time. For example, domestic dogs branched off from wolves 15,000 to 100,000 years ago.

Repercussion on Africans situation
Blacks are unique in that they never developed a written language, the wheel, architectural works or anything that would indicate they live a human existence. Literature, palaces, cities, they existed everywhere from the Incas to the Indians, Persians, Chinese, Druids, Malays, Romans, but not in black Africa. For the past 100,000 years, non-blacks have been developing technology and advancing knowledge. Blacks, meanwhile stayed nearly naked, technology-less, with no domesticated animals, no written language, no wheel, no stone buildings, no metalworking, nothing. 
Look at religion. Virtually every non-black group came up with an admirable religion or philosophy which was recorded and taught to a priesthood. Indians had the Vedas and Upanishads, Chinese had Confucianism and Daoism. Europeans had Virgil, Horace and Homer to write down their pagan religion, with Plato, Aristotle and countless others to record their philosophy. Babylonians had the epic of Gilgamesh, Egyptians had the Book of the Dead, even the Aztecs had a corpus of literature (which was unfortunately destroyed by the Spanish invaders. Only Blacks hadn't recorded or created any official religion or philosophy. Until non-white intervention, blacks relied on voodoo, witchcraft, black magic, and animism with no pantheon of gods, no priesthood, or anything that could develop them past superstition and barbarism.

Historical Facts
It is questionable what Blacks could achieve on their own. All current black civilization is in fact transplanted non-black civilization. No blacks have won any Nobel prizes in the hard sciences or gotten any spot on a list of Human Accomplishment that would represent some major scientific or technological advancement for the world.
And you can't blame this on geography. Blacks in western Europe and North America are given preferential treatment and access to college educations, and yet they still produce nothing. At the same time, non-blacks have made South Africa, Zimbabwe and Egypt into decent, first-world nations without a problem.

Putting the Blame on others
You can't blame bad luck or isolation, either. Blacks have been connected to the outside world since the 1400s. They have had centuries to improve themselves with full access to modern knowledge and technology. In contrast, it took Japan twenty years to go from a feudal samurai culture to one that defeated Russia in 1900. Germany recovered from WWII in just ten years, becoming a prosperous, powerful, leading-edge modern civilization. Africans, meanwhile cannot recover from "colonization", "slavery", or "discrimination" after centuries. Haiti has been an all-black, independent, free state for 200 years. Even so, its lifestyle and standard of living perfectly matches that of black Africa. They haven't progressed an inch. Their neighbors the Dominican Republic, meanwhile, has a working government that takes care of their people and doesn't need charity. The difference? Their population is non-black.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Uncovering the existence and thriving of the Beast among American social classes (Part1)

As some have noticed I didn't post on this blog, neither on in a while, like few months, even last 3 posts on this blog I scheduled them to be published in an interval of 3 days distance, 

I had them on draft, and I published them to be posted in an 3 days interval, since I knew I wont have access to my laptop in a while, even the posts before are distanced by month or so, except last posts, which I just edit them from draft, while if I had access to my laptop and circumstances I will definitely publish a post every few days or so, even is outdated.

besides my inability to post, my contents are removed, and my facebook pages are blocked, the recent ones are Franco TaMere and Lee Puniisher, YouTube videos and even other blogs, while my content is diversified, it all goes in the same direction, if not its about the global perspective, its about cultural and racial issues, that most likely the Beast spirit want it submerged in darkness. besides being attacked virtually, the beast spirit which hates uncovering its existence goes even further into stealing my property, recently my phone was stolen, which contains about 50 pages of unpublished text, of course, its not your typical robbery, not even talking about my laptop stolen in Philly, tentative to steal my present laptop, and other phones and flash drives, its like I'm dealing with demonic forces that refuse to be exposed.

The reason is simple, the beast exists and thrives in America and it finds its incarnation in peoples corpses. Of course "the greatest trick devil ever pulled was convincing the world it doesn't exist".

I spent the last 5 years in NYC homeless shelter system, being transferred from a location to another depending on what they are trying to do, I was out of work, simply because they have cultural issue with me as a person. 

When the soul is corrupted, the Behavior is suspicious.
Bon, in shelter system, during last years, their actions is bizarre, while it seems innocent, if joining the dots, you uncover that you are dealing with the worst of evil on earth, its not only in the shelter, everywhere I go, as long as I'm trying to do some " home work", like writing or posting something, somebody, a complete stranger appears out of nowhere, and it start disturbing as much as possible, either talking in its phone for hours, or any other form of disturbance some times its gets super loud, like possessed, going until provoking me, often its a colored person, Negroes get louder than anybody else, along with Chinese, and the look in their eyes, is like some kind of possession.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Essence of the American Empire

The forced coexistence between the Homo Erectus and the Homo s. Sapien imposed by the transatlantic slave trade was never supposed to happen, in this large demographic scale, the evolutionary gap is so large and it caused unprecedented event in the history of Humanity, evil spirit was locked up in Africa and it being unleashed into the world through the American Empire, wonder why Americans are Dumbed Down, Dead Brain, Zombie, why America is one of the major powers in the world along with Soviet Russia and E.U, while Americans are the stupidest creatures on the planet, they are corpses been used by the Evil spirit created as a result of the union between the Homo Erectus and Homo s. Sapien or as it is commonly called between Black and White, people stood against that Union upon the end of the civil war, Liberia was established as American colony to ship former slaves back, Lincoln got assassinated, shit happened, there was MLK civil alright movement, then the African Americans as we know  them today, American national treasure, and the Black Live matter crap.

Negroes, upon emancipation, will keep a low profile, and progressively they sneak their way into -forced failed integration- same way as Satan sneaked into the garden to tempt Eve, which is a bedtime story since There Is Evolution, in fact, that scenario of the Garden of Eden is a reality in American History and that’s exactly what happened during the 70's weed interracial and homo sex revolution, simply called the American revolution. The creationists say that Satan tempted Eve, and there was different interpretation of eating the forbidden fruit, since it is more mythology than reality, given the strength of the arguments of the evolution theory, and the continuous proofs presented by science and anthropology, Negros hosting evil spirit brought from the darkness of Africa will start tempting and manipulating Whites using weed and interracial and homo sex, reminder, Devils most powerful weapons are drugs and sex, along with lies, manipulation and playing the victim card to gain trust and sympathy then take control of the mind and soul, there was like another creation in the relative sense of the word, in term of the rise of America as a superpower in a record time (America is the only country who went from barbarism to decadence with no civilization in between), and the status of Americans as another "specie" in term of physical characteristics, and mental decay. 

That's what happened in the civil rights movement, MLK failed or got mediocre results, drugs and sex revolution succeeded and after 70's America surfaced as a super power while racial tension vanished like by magic, of course it took a little while to get all the masses under control, but that was an abnormally fast process due to the history of America, that was like a powerful global mind control going on, must say drugs and interracial sex reached deep in the souls that’s why Negros are talking about getting into the soul of the women, usually the process of taking control of her soul happens during sex and she’s Satan property, of course she looks and act normal, she even have white husband and kids, and since she is hosting evil spirit that control her soul and mind, control is contagious she will influence, voir transmit the evil spirit to husband and kids explaining the ritual of the collective Homo Erectus worship in America, through sport and showbiz.

To resume, America rise up as an Evil super power by breaking the harmony of the rules of the human nature and forcibly mixing genes with the Homo Erectus to rise the flag and control the world. Hitler was aware of the unholy nature of the American Empire he didn't see it this way, he stated in his declaration of war on the States that -The largest presence of Negros present signs of cultural decay- He didn't realize that’s Devil in its passive/victim phase before it takes over and mutate to 300+ lbs we see today. But he does got the nature of Jews, which will be at the roots of the Evil Zionist global Imperialist movement destroying all the Planet and implementing Israel in the middle east as an Illegal cancer in the Muslim holy region to prevent any union in the area since Muslims were aware of the Danger of the Homo Erectus around Humans, castration of slaves was going on vs. cuckolding in America, of course large parts of Muslim people got corrupted as well they mixed up with slaves and got as low as Mexicans in America selling Halal food and kissing America's ass. Brief, Hitler failed to save the world from the prevail of evil Zionism...

Monday, August 19, 2013

Civil Rights abuse Part2

In part 1 I presented 2 cases of citizens fighting back the civil right abuse inflected to them and to everybody in the states since the end of segregation era and the unleashing of Negros into the society to somehow trying to integrate them, while,"Niggers are like the dysfunctional, damaged, uncured organ that has to be amputated for the welfare of the body, for a healthier nation .." People learnt long time ago the special status of Negros as the ugly spoiled black baby that it is wise no to mess with, even if its abusing everybody's right of a decent human milieu, otherwise, his Negra mother which is the fat authority nourished with positive discrimination, political correctness and affirmative action and every weird "law" made to cope with Negros inability to naturally assimilate in a white society...So everybody was just sucking it, a priori, trying to complain about Negros behavior, is considered some kind of racism, since it's Negros nature, and everybody must stand this kind of behavior at a certain level to avoid trouble, either its with Negros and their homies getting used to their status of the spoiled black babies, or the law who is protecting Negros in their civil rights abuse demarches, brief, people understood and got wiser, avoiding unnecessary troubles and sacrificing their civil right for a plausible "peaceful" life jungle way.

The thing about Negros evil nature, is that they don't get satisfaction just by abusing everybody civil rights and disturbing the hell out of everybody, as a traumatized race, feeling the scare of slavery and the subordination situation, they even go further and their evil nature drowned in hatred of every body else wants even more, they discovered that even though they try to provoke by disturbing the hell out of them, going even to openly addressing them in a way or another, people in most of the case just ignore them, people...who are different than them, never been through slavery and sheet and lived as a subordinate race in the humanity history since forever,so their evil twisted mind just want to cause harm in anyway, if its not the anxiety they cause they want even more, they try to push it until a confrontation by directly irritating the person, if the confrontation happened that what Negros evil mind is looking for, then the race card will be wide in display, Negros are skilled, they been doing it since the 70's, and they know the symphony, even if they assault your ass either verbally or even physically, in their mind the voice of MLK is chanting, YOU ARE A VICTIM, YOU ARE A VICTIM, YOU ARE A VICTIM....Its implemented in their mind since the post emancipation eras and its a concept that Negros learnt to use voice, emotion and action to present it in a frame of political correctness, making it a winning card in every situation, a race card bien entendus. Negros learnt through the last few decades how to take advantage and use the race card, they even getting better at it overtime, even dumb, with their overall ignorant and uneducated persona, they learnt what being slaves descendants grant for them in term of their right of "civil rights abuse"...Often their evil spirit is wicked way beyond their primitive human abilities, and it plans ahead, taking advantage of the circumstances to make it clear, deep inside people's mind, that just thinking of messing with the Negros race will cost you a lot, either, you get Jumped, by some unknown Negro in Unknown and inexplicable circumstances, since Negros host the beast spirit, which is simply rooted from their Voodoo shit and their ability to communicate with animals spirit, this same spirit been unleashed in America through multi-generational cross breed and direct influence, going from the Negro evil spirit and their ability to reach in the soul, through either their gorilla vocal cords and evil eyes. ...
Or, you ruin your life by engraving an ethnic intimidation charge in your criminal background, and all the consequence that may en result, even if you were harassed first by the animal...Negros spirit uses this card as a scare deep inside people subconsciousness, so everybody will think twice before even thinking about disturbing Negros while they are enjoying their right to abuse the others civil rights, and so on, Negros Spirit goes in its rampage through races and racial groups, submitting everybody to the wrath of the the animals spirit, whoever is still unconvinced about Negros ability to abuse civil right abuse complement of the ZOG and political correctness, which is a little similar to an animals right activist policies...uncounted case of people's life been ruined by Negros beast, either actually by inflicting physical harm, or by playing the victim card, and making decent people who are just trying to defend themselves from Negros harm looking like racist monsters....
Even, you don't have to be an expert in the races relation in America to conclude the double standards racial slurs are used in America, A Negros can insult the shit out a white person using all the degrading racial slur, and get away with it, you cant even make a law suit out of it, even people take it as a sort of humor, ever heard about a Negro been sued for calling white Cracka or Honkey, judges will take it as a joke, while calling Negro a Nigger is a highly punishable offense, ethnic intimidation, racial abuse and harassment depending on the circumstance and how the Negros framed his race card to take as much advantage as it is politically correct  possible.

Examples of the race card in display:
A court has cleared a man who shouted the word "nigger" at a black man of racial abuse, after he claimed he was a rap music fan who used the term as an endearment.
Christopher Jones was found by North Staffordshire magistrates to have used the term widely seen as one of racist abuse, but not to have used it in a hostile way.

A racial abuse for using the N word...sometimes it goes until hate crime or ethnic intimidation depending on the circumstances and how dumb the person filling the charges.
This will takes us to the controversy between freedom of speech and the use of the N word which may be presented in this abstract:

With that said when does a hate crime becomes punishable under the current law? Can a white person who called a black African American the N word be considered a hate crime or is he exercising his freedom of speech? If we truly have freedom of speech, those who uses racial slur to express their anger toward others should also be protected under the free speech act.
It would seem that the act of one expressing oneself, whether it is politely, racially or visually, should not be punishable under the law until that person physically broke the rules through aggressive behavior that endangered another person well being. As they say, action speaks louder than words. Someone can say whatever they wish as long they don't touch the other person no one is in any danger. It is the combination of actions plus words that creates the hate crime that becomes punishable under the law. To punish someone because of their racial expression, whether it is visually or verbally can be argued for being a violation of their civil rights.

The recent case surfacing the Media is the case of Paula Deen.
A former restaurant employee has filed papers alleging that the celebrity chef and her brother often expressed sexist and racist sentiments in the workplace.
Former employee Lisa Jackson filed papers alleging that the former Food Network star, who co-owns Bubba’s Oyster and Seafood House in Savannah, Georgia with her brother, of using the N-word and other offensive language.
A judge just ruled ... Lisa Jackson had no right to claim racial discrimination, BECAUSE SHE'S WHITE! Any comments that Deen or her cohorts may have made had no legal consequence to her, because she's simply not the right color.
Jackson made a tenuous argument that someone in her family was bi-racial -- something that may not be true at all. But the judge said even if it were true, she was at best an "accidental victim."
Short story -- Jackson ruined Paula with a bogus claim.

Read more: 

It appears that there is little that remains of Paula Deen's crumbling empire in wake of criticism surrounding the controversy in which the celebrity chef admitted to using racial slurs.
Random House's Ballantine Books joined the ranks of the Food Network, Smithfield, Wal-Mart, and a bevy of other companies in ceasing its relationship with the self-proclaimed queen of butter.
The publisher released a statement on Friday, saying it would not release Deen's forthcoming cookbook, "Paula Deen's New Testament: 250 Recipes: All Lightened Up" as well as four other cookbooks the chef had been contracted to write.

That's just an example of Negros using the race card, even a dumb brainwashed self hating white, is filling a lawsuit for the N word, how ironic it is! and how ridiculous the judiciary system treating Negros like supreme beings.
...To be continued in part 3 which will present the case of Md. Atta as a sample of the Negros ability to manipulate the judiciary system along with the dumb state of mind of cops in America.

Monday, February 27, 2012

African Americans: Savages

It is true that African Americans as well as the whole black race are more evolved than Apes, yet, not fully developed Humans...And that's an objective opinion based on the theory of evolution and the origin of species.

"This post is not a sympathy for the little negroid, since Negras are known for been extremely perverted and they start banging pipes at 11 years old, average, the statistics of Prostitution in USA reveal that Negras are number 1 in counting on prostitution as source of income, of course along with free shit they get for been slaves descendants and sheet....The statistics indicate that Negras enter prostitution by the average age of 12, average 12 means 10 to 14, 9 to 13 or 11 to the case above is just another Negras typical behavior caught by the news."

Md. Atta 
TaMere Network Co-founder
 and porte parole.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Redefining Colors in USA

We just realized that you still have white and colored people issue, not the same way as it was about 50 years ago, but it's there's invisible in the sense that you dont have "Colored waiting areas" and "White waiting area" no More, since it been abolished ...(Sombody recently contested the free status of African Americans?) by divers bureacratic procedures...BUT, its there, in the fabric of society, in your mind, in your subconsciousness, it's invisible by the naked eyes...but it's in the AIR.

Now, Colored definition got wider since it extended to Hispanics, and almost all Immigrants...and Whites-Niggers lovers/friendly...

And there is no geographic limitation nor signs to define the Areas for whites and for colored, since all can roam in all areas without physical restriction other the one that is The Feeling Of Beign A Second Class Citizen.

P.S. We do despise every visible and invisible aspect of your culture (Caugh).

Below is:

..The making of Light Skinned Nigger or Spics...White wanna be.
The Nigger father and the crack head hoe mother, some times, the mother is a Negra got a $5 dollar for a quickie without condom.

Other Method is skin bleaching widely used by darkies Niggers and Spics .

And as a result you got the Light Skinned Nigger white wanna be you see around acting like gentle Nigger next door. and suffering from the inferiority complex of being 2nd class citizen starving to be seen as white.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pathetic NYC

NYC is home of the largest African American Community in USA .....So NYC females must be pretty damaged...That's explain your attitude, anti blacks posts and white females never show up with a nigger in my sight ...I remember my 1st day in NYC i ve seen a dozen BM/WF couples in one one area....I appreciate that you dont want to disgust me anymore, but that's dont change the sad reality about your females...It is what it is ...Freedom got a price...That's gives perfect sense for the large presence of little Mestizos and Chinos in NYC and the welcoming the get from NYC pedos residents...In fact It's a conditional average sized man in NYC if he tries to penetrate an random vagina from NYC, he will feel like penetrating the Holland tunnel , I swear that's the truth , you dont feel nothing no resistance at all, like if you are lost in an endless darkness and there is nothing to hold on doing poetry right now.... Ladies get your shewing gums now, and try to change the facts , how low Y'all are, what kind of female will insinuate .,...."hey i got a tight vagina" ....what values are y'all standing on? ...oh, ok! because y 'all got destroyed so thats the 1st quality you ask in your females ....hahhahahah PATHETIC NYC.

Niggers with their large numbers, and high rate of unemployment..taking advantage of the situation until the bone...they get picked up from Harlem and payed just like a man whore 'Let's pick up them good eating " lol How lower a man's situation can be ...They nickname them "The human dildo". Alright Tony ....Jump around with Keisha....You welfare couple.

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

American culture...Disgusting

Americans are ridiculous compared to other countries, they are like a bunch of primitive animals , maybe its due to the large population of African Americans in America , and to the fact of white females worship the big black penis as a part of a national ritual unique to the united states of America....So all Americans debates are about , penises sizes , muh big black dick , origin of homosexuality ,who's gayest black or white ? is this true that all Latinos are gays .., what is the smell of a Latina' vagina ?It is OK for married men to suck dick ? Why all Latinas are prostitute?
why Asians have small dicks? ....That's what Americans are debating
The whole world know Stupid Americans , only trough the media , or by power exhibition that America is famous for ; that's the image uncle SAM wants to give to the world...The daily life reality in America is way different, Americans are like pigs, no wonder some people call them "monkey's dick suckers nation" Since the sexual revolution of the 70's and the black men progressively taking on white females , and the white males cant do a shit about it , it's like it was part of that revolution or an way of the American spirit to evolute , since after the 70's the racial tensions like by magic dramatically disappeared , the black men , at this period of time were still struggling discrimination (white/colors era)assimilate the American society , in a spectacular way , of course nobody doubted that's blacks assimilate in the white society from inside the white vagina ....American were busy enjoying sexual freedom ;"deep throat"mark an change in American sex life ...the role of the evil black man in all that never questionable , homosexuality is more than ever an American life style, a white wife having a b lack lover is routine in the society , not tolerate it is being not civilized , white girls compete on the biggest black penis they sucked on , or stretched their white , vagina,like par hasard homosexuality in USA bet all the record of the world (Lucifer is homo), and all that making up the American culture , of course invisible trough the international media ...Thats why Americans spend the most of their time debating penises sizes among all races and species that make the American infrastructure due to the o African American evil big black dick Funny thing is all races and species that compose the united states of America been integrated in American life ans American culture , like every thing that move on this land is a pervert animal...So u see Latinos ( the lowest of all perverts in USA) promoting that they have bigger dicks than Asian , that all Asians do in America is open massage service to jerk off who ever is whiling to pay for it , that Asians use child prostitute ...due to some very young look of Asian prostitute (stupid spics).
Asians always talking about how their penis are bigger then Indians and Pakistani, and insinuate how all Latinas are prostitutes , and that they fuck every thing that move for a couple of dollars having a record of customers each day , making their vagina the stinkiest of all females in America , also Asian tend to claim that all Latinos are homo or sodomic . finally Asian always try to prove the use of Latino kids prostitute in Latin America and in USA.
None white Americans (euro trash) often imported or descendant from smuggled sex slave...since they live in USA and tasted the big black snake ,and knows how things works in America , and the joy that females in America (all races ) knows via devil's dick, the little bit of dignity that still in their blood , push them to as garbage as they are to making some remarks about the interracial sex life in USA ( didn't u taste the black snake yourself).
By the way its funny blacks says the small white penis is a curse to whites (normal animals thinking)....
Whites tell blacks ...they got devil's penis (actually that's my theory )
Latinos keep on working for cash and prostituting family members to whites who don't wants white females back after they gone black.
Asian keep on kissing whites ass , and suck their balls in an desperate way to white assimilate , the amount of , when they talk they sounds like squealing pigs.By the way Asians are in Asia , the funny faces u see in america are reject, coward, sellouts ,smuggled slaves.

Indians and Pakistani keep on fighting their inferiority complex they have toward "white Asian" aka Chinese , by taking any possible chance to damage Chinese reputation in America.
P.S. females in America... keeping your lips tight close don't means your vagina ain't stretched out ; this is America, god damn it!!, it just makes look ridiculous.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Identity Crisis....

Hispanics have an identity crisis, either they want to pass for white, or act and dress like African American ....
Really that reach an ridiculous level in NYC . Are they ashamed of what they are ? or are they ashamed of how people look to latinos in usa , so they want to pass for another race , really thats deSPICable ....
Every were i go in NYC i find hispanics , with leur identity crisis monkeying around .....That's an serious Identity crisis ....u are hispanic that's it act hispic dont try to be seen for what you are not .....that's degrading , but i guess they are used to it as the lowest social class in usa and maybe in north and south i explained in other posts...
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Friday, March 27, 2009

Debat: Light skinned niggers vs dark skinned.

Introduction:History of colors

On a plantation, there are basically two types of slaves. The Dark skinned slaves AKA field slave is risky, adventurous and always thinking about freedom. He wants to make a life for himself where he is free to live as he pleases. He doesn’t want to live under the boot heel of his abusive, jealous master. He constantly thinks of a better life away from the plantation. The Light skinned Slave AKA house slave, on the other hand, is quite happy with his condition. Even though he is hated and feared on the same level as the field slave, he is quite content to live under the tyranny of his master. Despite his squalid conditions and low social status, he will defend the same people who would rather see him eliminated.

Now lets See whats some sistas think about all that ...:
Keisha :
"No, I'm not gonna sit here and say they're better than dark-skinned black women, but if you are a black woman with a lighter complexion than most, or 'light skinned', have you ever been mistreated mostly because people rely on the myth that all light skinned black women (including, women of black/white, bi-racial descent) are stuck up, or hussies?

I myself have felt like every other black woman has seen me as some type of rival and it pisses me off for them to think that I think that I'm better than them because I'm lighter. I understand some darker skinned black women feel like they're under."

Karda :

"First of all I don't see why you would think that all dark skinned sistas view you as a rival. Who told you this or why do you feel this. I am a Black sista so the darker I am the more black beauty I have. If a brotha likes black woman then he is probably more attracted to a dark skinned sista. So I don't see you as my rival so why do you think I do.? Are you throwing out the fact that lighter skinned sistas are better looking? If so in whose eyes? I think you are grossly over exaggerating the fact that you are light skinned therefore in some way better than the dark skinned sistas".

Tannisha :

"I'm much lighter than you,(at least by that picture) but I've never met a dark skinned Black girl to view me as a rival. They usually have more confidence than me. A lot of people seem to want to bleach their skin, thinking "light is right" or that they won't get as teased when they're dark skinned. They act as if we don't have problems too. There are plenty of pretty dark skinned girls, but some girls are so insecure. I think it's sad when people bleach their skin. Anyway, I always thought people stereotyped dark skinned girls as tramps. Most dark skinned girls I see wear tight midrifts and have a nasty, syuck up attitude. I know that back in the 50's -90's guys thought light skinned girls were stuck up. Back in those times many probably were stuck up".

Kapisha :

"They only treat you that way because a lot of the times the darkest child in the home is treated with the least amount of they always have to compete with their siblings for attention. So, they feel the same sense of competition outside of the home as well.

The lighter is better myth...or I call it because even the black culture believes in white superiority(as the media programs us this way)...therefore, the closer a black woman is to that white blonde hair blue eyes lady...the more superior she is(this of course is all subconscious).

Personally, I'm not light and I'm not dark so I dont have either issue."(may be shes grey

I am latina and christian aint no nigger im a negra ..

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Monday, February 23, 2009

Black Women for Sale

The Sexual Exploitation of Black Women:

It is no secret that slavery ushered in an era that denigrated, exploited and dehumanized black women. They were sold, raped, beaten, brutalized, and stripped of their humanity. While these dynamics are crucial to understanding black women’s exploitation today, the economics of black female sexuality remains most striking.

Only the relatively recent thrust of feminist politics has brought women into the discourse of economic productivity. Typically, the fiscal significance of black women has been woefully overlooked. However, it didn’t escape the profiteering eyes of the slave-owners, who always traded their female property for higher prices than their male counterparts. A female slave represented an ongoing labor supply once her owner could ‘breed’ her. However, when slavery ended capitalism didn’t die with it, and a new market for black female flesh had to be created.

Intrinsically intertwined with economic exploitation of black women is the objectification and denigration of their bodies and sexuality. In the nineteenth century, the sentiments of race commentators such as William Wright and Josiah Nott reigned supreme in the characterization of black women. Wright states, in reference to mixed-race women, “Most of the women are public prostitutes to the Europeans, and private ones to the negroes,” while Nott invites readers to consider, “the African wench, with her black and odorous skin, woolly head and animal features.”

Unable to be quite so openly offensive in the twentieth century, it fell into the hands of the media to perpetuate the image of the degenerate black female as the mammy, the whore and the tragic mulatto. As esteemed film historian, Donald Bogle, notes, these characters have been recreated, transformed and repackaged throughout the history of film.

Familiar images of the sexless, strong black woman and the “ho” are just rehashings of the same old themes of the neutered or sexually deviant black woman, who, as distinguished feminist sociologist Dr. Hill Collins explains in her ground-breaking book “Black Sexual Politics,” can again, be exploited and disrespected. Her body is for sale in music videos and films, and she continues to be devalued and undervalued in the workplace.

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