Saturday, September 25, 2010


After black and Hispanic students mercilessly attacked and nearly murdered two white students at a Brooklyn middle school - and while violence, ignorance, corruption, drug dealing and sexual amorality remain a fact of life throughout the nearly all black and Hispanic New York City public school system - all is sweetness and light at the New York Department of Education's web site . Do the parents not realize that their children will receive a grossly inferior education being among black and Hispanic students who are unable to compete with whites on any written tests even when "affirmative action" points are added to their low test scores? Do the parents not realize what type of "culture" their children will be exposed to? That over 70% of black and Hispanic children are illegitimate? That a majority of black and Hispanics males are criminals with arrests and convictions? That when the vicious black racist Jesse Jackson ran for President, he received 94% of the black vote? That when the vicious black racist Al Sharpton ran for Mayor of New York, he received 93% of the black vote? This is whom you want your children to learn from and become friendly with? One final point. Notice what happens to whites when the "minorities" become the majority. Notice how white students are "welcomed" in majority black schools. What will happen to America when whites are no longer the majority in this country?

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