As some have noticed I didn't post on this blog, neither on in a while, like few months, even last 3 posts on this blog I scheduled them to be published in an interval of 3 days distance,
I had them on draft, and I published them to be posted in an 3 days interval, since I knew I wont have access to my laptop in a while, even the posts before are distanced by month or so, except last posts, which I just edit them from draft, while if I had access to my laptop and circumstances I will definitely publish a post every few days or so, even is outdated.
besides my inability to post, my contents are removed, and my facebook pages are blocked, the recent ones are Franco TaMere and Lee Puniisher, YouTube videos and even other blogs, while my content is diversified, it all goes in the same direction, if not its about the global perspective, its about cultural and racial issues, that most likely the Beast spirit want it submerged in darkness. besides being attacked virtually, the beast spirit which hates uncovering its existence goes even further into stealing my property, recently my phone was stolen, which contains about 50 pages of unpublished text, of course, its not your typical robbery, not even talking about my laptop stolen in Philly, tentative to steal my present laptop, and other phones and flash drives, its like I'm dealing with demonic forces that refuse to be exposed.
The reason is simple, the beast exists and thrives in America and it finds its incarnation in peoples corpses. Of course "the greatest trick devil ever pulled was convincing the world it doesn't exist".
I spent the last 5 years in NYC homeless shelter system, being transferred from a location to another depending on what they are trying to do, I was out of work, simply because they have cultural issue with me as a person.
When the soul is corrupted, the Behavior is suspicious.
Bon, in shelter system, during last years, their actions is bizarre, while it seems innocent, if joining the dots, you uncover that you are dealing with the worst of evil on earth, its not only in the shelter, everywhere I go, as long as I'm trying to do some " home work", like writing or posting something, somebody, a complete stranger appears out of nowhere, and it start disturbing as much as possible, either talking in its phone for hours, or any other form of disturbance some times its gets super loud, like possessed, going until provoking me, often its a colored person, Negroes get louder than anybody else, along with Chinese, and the look in their eyes, is like some kind of possession.